Hello and welcome to our info packet about the SEWF, otherwise known as ShawWorld Enterprises Wrestling Federation. We have created this federation in an attempt to get back to basics. I, David, have tried things like money, health, elaborate point systems, everything, but it always comes down to rps and cards, nothing more. The SEWF will get back to basics and provide you with a stable, fun environment to wrestle in.
The SEWF is piloted by Dave Shaw, a man who is no stranger to the e-wrestling world. He began a little over 4 years ago with the original SEWF. It prospered magnificently and now he is back to recreate that magic. He has very high aspirations for the future of the SEWF and has signed a one year commitment to this federation to keep it open, no matter what.
Another entity in the realm of the SEWF is the Creative Committee. The Creative Committee is generally just a think tank. They’ll help with booking decisions, angle development, that kind of stuff. They are available to you, the wrestler, to help you with any angle development or creative ideas you may have. We’re of course not forcing them on you, just leaving them open as an option. Now, let’s get on to the other aspects of the SEWF.
Okay, now this is the key to the whole thing, so we put it first. There are lots of other factors, the things that follow, but without a solid understanding of this section, you will almost never win a match.
There are 3 basic forms of roleplaying. They all have one goal, however, and that is to bring life to you character. The more they are in depth, the better your chances of winning. Also a great weight is placed on originality, as originality is the true key to letting people understand and/or care about your wrestler.
The 3 Basics-
1. The On-Card Interview
These are interviews written before a card is published to be included before your match takes place. These count and are weighted the same as a normal rp, and should receive the same amount of attention from the writer if they are to contribute to your success that night. On-card interviews must be sent no later than noon 2 days prior to the card's publish date.
2. The RP Packets
This is a bit more complex, but the pay off can be large. Rps need to be descriptive, visual, and as complex as you like. There are some basic rules for rps. You cannot use the characters of other handlers in rps without their permission. Cussing needs to be kept to a minimum and bleeped when possible. Most importantly, if I see anyone say Person X is gay or Person X takes it or whatever, you're gone. Not only are those kinds of things stupid, they make for sad, horrible rps. When you are done, e-mail it us. We collect them, and when we have 4-6 we send them out to the league.
3. The Strategy
This is the most subtle of the main three. In effect, you consider your foe, his style, his strengths and weaknesses, and plot out your plan. You cannot tell us what HE is going to do of course but you can create contingency plans, 'if he, then I' type stuff. E-mail these to us as well, several days before the match. We will try to fulfill it as best we can. Please feel free to let us know if we misrepresent your character! My goal is to put you, the players, in as much control of the action as possible. So what makes a good strategy? Glad you asked...
Good Strategies
A good strategy has several components. I wont say this list is complete, but it covers the basics.
A good strategy should show some thought. It should take into account what you do (and do not) know about an opponent. A recent example: as I do not know the size of my opponent, I will avoid my closer, which requires a target smaller than myself. It should also show awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses, just as you describe in your application. As a wise man once said, before you can know others, you must know yourself first.
It should also include a few contingencies, in case things don't go quite as planned. For example: If there is interference I will run like heck...
As important is what a strategy SHOULDN'T include...It should not include actions of others, unless you clear it with them and THEY write us to agree. You can say 'if they turn to look' but not 'when they turn and look'
As far as what exactly these different aspects are worth, on cards the least, full length rps and strats the most. Each aspect has its own great merits. Strats are major points guys, it’s all we could do short of making them mandatory. Strats can win you a match if it’s close, so we STRONGLY suggest you send them in. Not only will it help you win, but it’ll help us portray your wrestler as you’d like him/her portrayed.
Okay, those are the basics...but there is a lot of nuance involved...alliances, stables, angles, etc. The goal is not neccessarily to hold the belt, but to be the headliner, the guy the fans come to see. Only a few guys can hold the belt...but everybody should be having fun. We urge you to make contact the other players. Discuss things, make plans, or just make new friends. Also feel free to write little tidbits (or big ones) you would like to see added to the cards...interviews, forshadowings, anything to pad the card and make our job easier. Above all, feel free to ask questions...we really do want your input, and I, David, personally enjoy meeting all of you and just chatting about whatever. There is more to my life than e-wrestling, just as there is to you. A large part of this fed is to make friends, keep that in mind.
Contracts have been tried with money and elaborate incentive portions, but these are not those kinds of contracts. These are simple, how long do you want to stay type contracts. I have them typed out and ready, you simply need to electronically sign them with the amount of time you wish to spend in our fine federation. Minimum is two months, maximum is one year for a contract.
So, you have a contract, you've rp'd, you know all the rules, now you need a match...
Match Making
If the Creative Committee or the Administrative Office sees a match the fan wants to see and the Administration wants to put on, we won’t hesitate to put it on the card. Simply put, we reserve the right to make any match we’ve deemed worthy of appearing on an SEWF card. However, we don't want to randomly throw people together. Get something started with someone and we'll see it to make a match for it. If you want to e-mail a request in, that's fine. There is guarantee you'll get the match you want, but we'll try to accomodate everyone. We’d like to see the handlers in control of the card lineups more than anyone else.
Cards, cards, what are those again? Ohhhhhh yeah, those wrestling events the SEWF holds. There’s got to be some product out of all this, right? Let’s jump right into all things cards.......
Scheduling has always been a problem in e-wrestling. From the dawn of time, e-fed presidents have struggled with the number of cards to have and how often. We at the SEWF think we’ve come up with a solution to solve all those problems, and it’s based on the premise that this is a high quality federation. Cards occur in the SEWF every 7 days, in this case every Sunday.
The name of our card is the SEWF Sunday Night Mothership. Being the mega-event that it is, let’s see you guys work hard to help us produce on hell of a card each and every week, something to take pride in. We want you to immerse yourself in our cards and truly enjoy the experience of reading them. These are not small undertakings and we hope you appreciate them.
So you’ve read this packet front to back but you’re still wondering to yourself, what is this all for? What’s the big prize we get? Well, we saved the true reward for last, the championship belts......
Belts are simple and straight forward, so let’s run down the list:
-World Heavyweight Title
This is the biggie, as you might have been able to sense from the name of the belt.
-United States Champion
The second rung on the ladder. Not the top dog, but a man worthy of respect none the less.
-World Tag Team Titles
These belts are the top prize in the tag team division. They entitle both holders to everything that the singles World Heavyweight Title does.
Rankings are used to determine who rates a chance for each belt. Rankings in the SEWF are all together, 1-20, with the belt holders being above that in order of prominence. Contenders 1-5 may challenge for the heavyweight title, 1-10 for the US belt and tag rankings 1-5 for the Tag Belts.
All champions have 14 days to defend their belts. This is 2 cards. There is NO excuse, not illness, injury, or incarceration. After this time, the belt WILL be stripped. More belts, and other honors, will be added as things get moving, and the league grows in size, so those of you wanting a hardcore title, or a King of the Ring designation need only bide your time, and let us know what you're looking for in this league.
For now, those are all the titles available in the SEWF. As the roster grows and the SEWF gains its footing in the e-wrestling world, additional titles and divisions will be added. Until then, these belts are the objects of desire for all of you.
So what have we learned today? Well, we’ve gone from rp’ing to contracts to cards to belts and more. Hopefully this answers some questions about the federation, and possibly raises some new ones. All questions can be directed to shawworld@yahoo.com where I, David, will get back to you in a hurry. Until then, if you like what you see, head on over to to fill out the application, I'd love to see all of you in an SEWF ring sometime soon. Thanx.
-SEWF Prez. David Shaw-