(As the light slowly begins to fade in, a view of the mountains begins to be distinct. The camera takes in the beautiful view of the surrounding mountains and sky, swooping down to start moving across the valley floor. It begins to move faster and faster as it hovers over a river. Brown bears can be seen near the banks and various rocks and trees jut out of the lazy water. Onward the camera travels, ever gaining speed until a steep drop in the river can be seen ahead. It is a rather large waterfall and as the camera passes over the waterfall, it makes a long, swooping 180 degree turn. We see the waterfall is simply a part of the bottom of a large chiseled S. As the camera zooms even further out, the letters SEWF can be seen, cleary struck into the unforgiving rock. The camera fades to black...)
(Camera cut to flash images of all the men that we've seen on SEWF the past week, each saying their bit in front of the camera.)
Voice: After an eventful first week, an explosion of activity, the fanfare of a grand opening and the propoganda that comes with it, we venture into the marathon journey that will be the SEWF.
(An graphic of the world title tourney flashes on the screen with brackets included.)
Voice: We also enter the marathon journey of crowning the first world champion, the ambassador of the federation, that most respected, feared, and successful man in all of professional wrestling. Tonight we take one more step towards that crowning achievment...
(Camera fades in once more, but this time on a bustling urban city. Mountains are seen in the distance and the camera flows down in between buildings, zig zagging it's way through a maze of urban expanse. It arrives at a large domed structure marked "Shawplex" on the outside. It swings around the outside once and enters through large gaping doors. It bursts in on the seats to fill the ShawPlex and as it does so...)
(Huge white fountain sprays erupt on the entryway and screaming fireworks fly up a wire as the set above the ring erupts in explosions and the ring posts spray fire.)
SSC: My name is Stylin' Steve Chen, beside me is Magnus Colby and welcome to another edition of the hottest wrestling show on television today, SEWF Sunday Night Mothership.
MC: Uncensored and live, I am Magnus, welcome to my show.
SSC: The S in SEWF stands for Shaw, but if you think it's Colby, go for it. Tonight we have a variety of things for you, a pipe on a pole match, the second round of the heavyweight title tourney, a unification match and much much more. We're under time constraints tonight, so let's get going on with the card. Our first match tonight will be Axel Reed vs. "Playboy" Sean Shanoski, thoughts Magnus?
MC: Reed, Reed, heading and creeding and Sean start bleedin', this one belongs to Reed hands down. It's a wonder if Sean even comes out tonight.
SSC: I think we all know Sean a little better than that and he will indeed be coming out tonight. So, let's get down to the ring where ring announcer Ryan Vaughn is ready to usher in tonight's action.
RV: First out is the man urges you to heed the cReed and prepare to bleed. He is the master of the Straight To Hell DDT and he is AXEL REEEEEEEEED!!!!!
(Decidedly anti-Reed boos come out of the stands of the Shawplex as Reed emerges from the entryway. Axel makes a couple comments at fans along the entryway and slides into the ring.)
RV: Out first tonight in this opening bout set for one fall, he is the master of the Windowmaker. He is "PLAYBOY" SEAN SHAOOOOOOSKI!!!
("Sober" by Tool hits to a decidedly mixed reaction from the crowd. However, no man emerges from the entryway after a healthy lull.)
MC: Where is this joker?
SSC: I dont know but it looks like Axel Reed is getting impatient.
(Axel Reed steps through the middle rope with and angry step he walks toward the timekeepers table, and begins yelling ta him to ring the bell and start the match.....but he wont do it......The lights begins to flicker blue and black and Axel Reed is looking around him finally the lights stay out for a moment as commotion is heard in the crowd the lights come back and the music stops....Axel Reed not realizing when the lights came back The Playboy was standing right behind him. The Playboy taps him on the shoulder and Axel Reed spins around with a huge punch, anticipating it The Playboy ducks and kicks him in the stomach grabs him in a front face lock he lifts him up into the vertical suplex position and holds him there)
SSC: All that blood has got to be rushing to Axel Reeds head.....
(Suddenly as quick as a flash The Playboy turns the vertical suplex into a power bomb right through the time keepers table)
MC: OHHHH!!! What a beautiful agent orange right through the table......DID YOU HEAR THE CRACK?!?!?!WHAT A SOUND!
SSC: I think you're enjoying this a little bit to much. those table are solid oak and are not meant to break but dont tell that to The Playboy.
(The Playboy grabs Axel Reed by his head and brings him to his feet and rolls him in the ring Sean rolls in under the bottom rope and the ref signals for the match to begin. The Playboy immediately goes for the pin.)
SSC: 1.......2......ALMOST!
(Axel Reed got his left foot on the rope The Playboy quickly to his feet brings Axel with him and takes him by the arm whips him off the ropes and hits him with a strong running lariat sending Axel right to
the mat again.)
MC: That was gorgeous he knocked him straight out of his shoes I think I found one of them over here.......
SSC:(serious look) that wasn't funny.....
(The Playboy picks him up yet again by his head but this times goes after the head with a flurry of lefts and rights he pushes Axel all the way into the corner with them......Axel catching a breath in the corner while The Playboy decides to show off some of his taunting skills.)
SSC: This may not be a smart move on the part of The Playboy.
(The Playboy finishing his taunting only to be met with a flying clothesline out of the corner by Axel. Surprised by that The Playboy gets back to his feet as quick as possible but no sooner is he on his feet does Axel drop kick his knee right out from under him....The Playboy is clutching his knee in pain and is calling the referee over.... the referee is inspecting the Playboys knee)
SSC: UHOH i dont like the looks of this he could really be hurt.
MC: Oh be quiet he's faking it.....
(Axel Reed is crowding around The Playboy but the referee is telling him to go to his corner Axel unwillingly goes and with Axel's back turned in the corner The Playboy jumps to his feet and runs over
towards Axel and hit shim with a forearm in the back of the head.... now The Playboy whips him to the other corner and follows up with a clothes line......but he's not finished with him yet.....he kicks him in the stomach and sets up for a powerbomb he lifts him up onto his shoulders and powerbombs' him into the turnbuckle)
MC: Wow thats the kind of thing that will re-arrange your entire vertebrate...I like it.
SSC: Have you no compassion?
(Axel lay in the corner not moving while The Playboy puts some boots to his midsection.....out of nowhere Axel grabs the Playboys arrogant foot and shoves it off of him sending the Playboy down to the mat. Axel pulls himself to his feet using the ropes as the Playboy gets up Axel puts some forearms to his back sending him back down to the mat. now the Playboy is on his knees Axel picks him up and hooks both arms and nail a sit out tiger driver....)
SSC: Cover....1......2 and a kickout at 2.
(Axel confidently to his feet starts begins hammering away with rights but on the third punch The Playboy blocks it and throws a punch of his own but Axel blocks that The Playboy kicks Axel in the stomach and sets up for another powerbomb but gets back body dropped for it)
MC: Now this match is getting good
(The Playboy rolls out of the ring to catch a breath of air but gets hit in the back with a double ax handle from the mat by Axel, Axel whips The Playboy into the ring stairs and now what is Axel doing? He's lifting up the mats on the outside of the ring)
SSC: But wait a minute its only solid concrete under there.....
MC: I know, I cant wait
(While Axel is moving the mats The Playboy hits him with a solid low blow he spins Axel around sets him up for a piledriver right on the concrete and HE HITS IT!!!!!!....Axel now not moving at all is being kicked relelentlessly by The Playboy the referee counts these two out 6.....The Playboy slides in the ring...7......Axel shows signs of movement......8......... Axel is standing almost completely balanced on one foot...9........at a last minute attempt he barely slides in the ring..... the Playboy whips Axel off the ropes and goes for a clothes line but Axel ducked it. He kicks Playboy in the gut and clotheslines him over the top rope.)
MC: Finally, this fight has spilled on to the floor.
SSC: What is Axel doing out here?
(Axel grabs a chair and goes in the ring while Playboy rolls in the ring, the Playboy is starting to get to his feet Axel reaches far back with that chair and hes about to swing it but the referee slides in the ring
and grabs the chair. As Reed struggles, Playboy sees an opening and runs at Reed with a lariat. Reed lets go of the chair and slides out of the way. Playboy puts on the brakes before hitting the ref, but Reed turns him around and kicks him in the gut.....)
SSC: STRAIGHT TO HELL DDT!!!!! COVER!!! 1.....2......3!!!
MC: That's my boy, that's the way to start the Mothership.
SSC: Reed with a great effort to stunt the hard charing Shanoski here tonight. I think Sean put up a much better fight than many thought he might, but Reed was just too much here tonight.
MC: Reed's dominance was never in doubt. You're giving this scrub Shanoski a little too much credit.
SSC: Well, let's get to the next match, that one being Winter vs. Bretty Mondonno. I think this match will be a fi--wait a minute, I've told we've got some major happenings in the back. Let's go there quickly.
(Camera cut to Brett Mondonno lying backstage out cold. There is a steel chair with barbed wire wrapped around it on top of Brett.)
SSC: It looks like Mondonno has been simply pummeled in the backstage area, but by who? The weapon there looks like an Omega trick, but maybe Winter get a quick start on this match.
MC: I don't know, but Mr. Shaw better be launching investigations and censures and pro bono and habias corpus and Johnny Cochran and everything else at this case, this is a travesty.
SSC: You're a moron, seriously, you're a horse's a--wait, we've got something else going on in the back? Geez. Let's go there.
(Lying in a similar position face down on the pavement in the back stage area is Winter. A lead pipe is lying next to his head and a noticable gash is on Winter's head.)
SSC: Ok, seriously, what the hell is going on here? We've got Mondonno in the back with Omega's favorite weapon and now Winter in the back with a weapon to be the focal point of a match later on this evening. Something weird is going on here, and I guess there will be no match.
MC: This is a travesty. Where is security? Where is Dave Shaw? Where is the justice? Dear lord, this is the end of the world.
SSC: Actually, it's the end of this segment. Next up we have Matt Hammer in the center of the ring, ready to give an interview to one Ryan Stevens. Matt?
(Matt Hammer is in the ring as the crowd begins to murmur.)
MH: At this time, let me introduce to you a man that later tonight will take on Blackheart in a pipe on a pole match...
(The crowd is VERY mixed at this point. Some of them understand Stevens's position and love the guy, while others are in the Blackheart camp and boo the announcement of Stevens unmercifully.)
MH: Ladies and gentlemen, RYAN STEVENS!
("UNHH!!!" 'Testify' by Rage Against The Machine begins to drone over the PA as red and white pyro shoots off the stage. RYAN STEVENS is here, but in new wrestling attire. He has no jacket this week, and he is wearing a singlet top with full pants. The top is silver shocked with red streaks. The pants are silver as well, with STEVENS in a straight-line type in red on the back, and down each leg are more red streaks. In his hands is a lead pipe, and in his eyes is a very cold, focused stare. Stevens walks down to the ring, not acknowledging the fans at all. He steps through the ropes and stands centrer ring as red pyro shoots out of all four corners. Stevens stands with Matt Hammer.)
MH: Last week, RYAN STEVENS, you unsuccessfully attempted to move on in the World Title tournament. During that match...
STEVENS: During that match I got rapped over the head with a lead pipe by your friend and mine, Blackheart. So instead of killing Higor Rosa dead tonight, I'm gonna have to eliminate you, Blackie.
MH: Why a pipe on a pole match?
STEVENS: We already know that Blackheart is a coward par excellence. He runs from mouse droppings, let alone mice. So I needed to get a match that, well, piqued his curiosity. So, I've decided that I'll let him play with his little tool. If he can get it from the top of that 10 foot high platform first.
MH: What about Simon Southward?
STEVENS: What about him? He won. He won his match in the middle of the ring fair and square. I don't harbor any ill will for a friend. I wish him the best of luck tonight against Higor Rosa. Frankly, I hope he goes all the way in this tournament, because I know he's man enough to give me the rematch that I deserve.
MH: Still, he got the pin fall against you last week.
STEVENS: Like I said, I don't harbor any ill will for Southward. He did what any intelligent man would have done. He got the pin fall. Against me, against Blackie, it doesn't matter really, he got done what he needed to get done, and tonight, I'll get done what I need to get done.
MH: Well, good luck to you in your match tonight...
STEVENS: I won't need luck. Blackheart, he might need luck, because with the skill that I have, i really don't see any hope in hell of him walking out of here under his own power. And after all is said and done, he will realize what I've been trying to tell him all week.
(Stevens grabs the microphone from Hammer.)
STEVENS: Only victory earns respect.
("UNH!" 'Testify' kicks up again as Ryan Stevens leaves the ring with the microphone, leaving Matt Hammer wondering where to get another stick for Ryan Vaughn.)
SSC: Interesting comments and for sure a match to watch later tonight.
MC: My boy, Blackheart, is seriously going to take that pipe and beat the ever living piss out of Stevens. It's no slight to Stevens, I like him, he's got an edge to him, but Blackheart is the clear fav later tonight.
SSC: Well, before we get too ahead of ourselves, our next match tonight is a massive tag team match, accurately called a tag team gumbo match.
MC: I like Valence, he's a high quality wrestler, but Rookens is an unstopable monster that Kujo and VVV are going to have trouble containing. It's going to come down to Harby in this match and no one else.
SSC: I don't know, you could be right, but both Valence and Kujo made impressive efforts last week. We'll see if they can bring that in tonight as well. Let's get down to the ring and Ryan Vaughn.
RV: The first team out tonight is a team of two mismatched people if there ever were any. One a highflyer, the other an overpowering demon. Here are JARRED MATTHEWS AND HARBENNETH ROOOOOOKENS!!!!
("Freak On A Leash" by Korn hits to already massive boos from the capacity crowd. The lights dim as well, casting an eerie glow on the crowd almost silencing them before the booing comes back full blast as Harbenneth Rookens walks out from behind the curtain. He ignores the crowd, slowly making his way to the ring, removing his trench coat and sunglasses as he gets there. Jarred Matthews pops out of the entryway, obviously not wanting to be real close to Rookens. He walks to the ring as well and slides in.)
RV: Next out in this match is another formidable team. They are made up by a team of a Superbeast and a man who took B urt Clifton just one short week ago. They are "VIOLENT" VIC VALENCE AND KUUUUUUUJO!!!!
(Valence and Kujo come strutting out of the entrance, looking a little more cohesive than the team that came before. They stalk slowly to the ring and walk up opposite ring steps to enter the ring.)
SSC: The Rook and Kujo are going to start this one off folks. It should
be a showcase in power.
MC: And everyone in this federation knows Rookens has the most power and meanest attitude, and those two are a deadly mix tonight for Kujo and Valence.
(Rookens and Kujo meet in the circle, looking each other dead in the eye. Kujo said something to Rookens and Rookens just destroyed him with a right hand.)
SSC: Did you see the force of that right by Rookens?
MC: Do you not listen to me, Chen? Rookens is THE strongest man in this federation. He's going to destroy Kujo and Valence. Matthews is just along for the ride.
(Rookens is just punching and kicking away at Kujo. Backs him in the corner and blatant choke on Kujo. The ref is counting to five. Rookens lets go, and goes right back to it.)
SSC: Oh, come on, that's a blatant choke.
MC: So? Rookens is a killer in that ring. And he's out for blood after last week's fluke.
(Rookens pulls Kujo out of the corner, kick to the stomach, and a powerbomb into the turnbuckle. Kujo is laying in pain in the corner as Rookens just stalks him. Rookens grabs Kujo by the hair and slowly drags him to his feet. Oh, low blow by Kujo.)
MC: Now, Chen, that's cheating. A man never goes down low on another guy. It's just not right.
(Kujo drags Rookens to his feet, and hits him with a overhead belly to belly suplex. Rookens is near his corner and makes the tag to Matthews. Matthews leapfrogs the top rope and is met with a standing sidekick to the jaw by Kujo.)
SSC: Oh, devasting force on that sidekick. That's going to be some dental work.
MC: Matthews and Rookens are the premier team in the SEWF. This is just a little hurdle in their path.
SSC:A "little" hurdle just got bigger.
(Kujo tags in Valence and they go to work double teaming Matthews in the corner. Kujo irish-whips JM into the corner, Valence, lifts him into a spinebuster position, and Kujo comes off with a leaping clothesline.)
SSC: Good double team work by Kujo and Valence.
(Valence again irish-whips JM into the ropes, lifts him up into the a gorilla press, holds him for a few seconds, then, drops him into a front powerslam)
SSC: Awesome power shown by Valence.
MC: Just wait, Rookens is all better after his breather on the outside. Just tag him in Matthews.
(Valence lifts JM to his feet, and and Matthews pokes him in the eye. And then, connects with the standing dropkick)
MC: Beautifully done, beautifully done.
(JM, goes to the outside apron. Valence is up, turns around and is met with a slingshot crossbody press into a cover. 1, 2, no, violent kickout by Valence.)
SSC: Valence showing some resillency and some power there.
MC: Please.
(JM goes for the irish-whip into the corner, but it's reversed into a short arm clothesline by Valence. Valence, looking quite preturbed, lifts Matthews and connects with a head and arm suplex. Matthews clutching his lower back, slowly gets up and is met with a exploder suplex. Cover, 1, 2, noo, shoulder is up.)
SSC: That was close.
MC: Yeah, almost a whole second later and maybe it would have been closer. Matthews has toughened up training with Rookens.
SSC: But Matthews needs to make a tag.
(Valence whips Matthews into the ropes, wait, Matthews jumps to the top rope and backflips over Valence, dropkick to the back of head, Valence is shaken up a bit. Matthews gets up and walks and tags in Rookens, who comes in with 1 clothesline for Valence. Make it two in short order. Here comes Kujo,kick to the abdominal region, and a ddt.)
MC: Rookens is kickin some butt!
SSC: Wait, Colby, what's this.
(Matthews is heading down the ring steps and up the rampway. He's saying screw it. Rookens is just staring at him with disbelief.)
SSC: What the he...?
MC: That traitor. Rookens is going to punish that boy later.
(Rookens turns around and is met with simulatneous kicks to the stomach. Kujo hits a gutwrench powerbomb. Valence covers, One, Two, thr.............noooooo, Rookens kicked out.)
MC: Rookens is just playing around. He's got a plan it's about time to unfold it.
(Kujo with a go behind on Rookens and just devastes him with a relase German suplex. Cover on rookens. ONE, TWO, NO, FOOT ON THE ROPES. Kujo is besides himself. He slams his hand into the mat, and slowly brings Rookens to his feet. Kujo, going for a T-Bone suplex, wait, rookens is fighting back. One back elbow, two, back elbow, it breaks the hold. Kujo runs towards Rookens, but Rookens gets a foot up and Kujo runs straight into it. Kujo turns and stumbles back and rookens hits him with a bulldog. Rookens, with Kujo in tow, brings him to the middle of the ring, and connects on a jumping piledriver. Cover on Kujo, hooks the leg.)
(Rookens gets to his feet, looks around, see Valence talking to the crowd and grabs him by the hair and pulls him into the ring. Valence stands up, is met with a kick to the groin)
MC: Good move by Rookens
SSC: I thought you said....
MC: Chen, shut up and call the damn match.
(Rookens with a vicious face buster on Valence. Valence rolls to the outside of the ring. Kujo is up, so is Rookens. Rookens surprises him with a dragon legwhip into the sidewalk slam. Rookens has Kujo up in position for the All Encompassment, but here comes Valence. Rookens drops Kujo, and meets Valence with a clothesline. Rookens picks up Valence, turns him around, hooks on a half nelson and just connects violently with a half nelson suplex.)
MC: Rookens is power personified. He's going to get Clifton back for last week, I guarantee.
SSC: Clifton is talented, there's no doubt.
MC: Yeah, but I don't think talent can get you out of that.
(Rookens lifts Kujo into a cruifix position and....)
SSC: This is elemetary....one....two....three...that's it.
MC: Rookens just proved he doesn't need, and he doesn't want a partner. He tooks care of two vicious monsters with ease. He should have move on. He was robbed, but justice will come soon enough.
SSC: An absolutely superhuman effort by Rookens, color me impressed.
MC: You see, I told you this the entire time. Rookens is just too over powering, Jarred or no Jarred.
SSC: Yes, and Jarred Matthews leaving is certainly something he's going to have to explain and that we're going to have explore in the days to come. However, before that, we've got one of the men in the next contest backstage to give us a few words.
MH: Yeah, Steve. I'm somewhere in the back where I'm tryin to find Blackheart before his match tonight. And look, there he is. Blackheart, tell me, what are yo--
Blackheart: Not a word Hammer unless I ask you to speak, and you will live to watch tonight's battle. Stevens, the time is upon us. Later on tonight, You and I will climb in the "square circle" and battle, one on one, for the right of victor and to the pleasurement of the fans. One of us, will beat the other one to within a inch of his life, using a pipe that is attached to a pole. And why? One. For the purpose of moving up the ladder of success here in the SEWF. And two, for the pleasurement and enjoyment of thirty thousand people, millions watching at home and of course, our lord master, David Shaw.
MH: Which segways into my next question. Blackheart, why do you have this personal vendetta against our esteemed President David Shaw? What has gone on backstage, away from the camera's lens and the people's eye that has caused you to be so, so vile and vicious in your verbal attacks against our president?
Blackheart: Hammer, so innocent. So, so, negligent in your reporting. And so acutely aware of how to properly ass kiss, it's sickening. Shaw and I, we got have issues dating back before you ever were interested in wrestling reporting. When i was recuited, I was promised a clear path in the tourney. Not a tough opponent in the first two rounds. Instead, I got Simon Southward. A rather tough, scientific man. And Ryan Stevens. Two men, former partners. Former friends. Against me. Sounds fair, doesn't it?
MH: Well, I'm sure Mr. Shaw didn't
Blackheart: Stop making excuses. I've heard things around the offices, in the locker room. Ya know, "Shaw doesn't think Blackheart can make it." He doesn't have it him to succeed." Tonight, I start taknig down the pretty boy network, and it starts with Stevens. Hammer, this interview is done.
(Blackheart walks away.)
SSC: I'd be interested to hear what Mr. Shaw has to say about all this. Let's go right into the match.
RV: First out in this special "Pipe On A Pole" match is a man who we've seen a lot of both tonight and this week. The winner of this match will be the first one to grab the pipe and use it on his opponent. He is the master of the Eclipse and he is RYAN STEEEEEEEVENS!!!!
(Stevens walks slowly out of the entryway as "Testify" by Rage Against the Machine begins to play. He stalks slowly to the ring with eyes intent on the people in the ring. He finally reaches the steps and walks up and into the ring.)
RV: Next out is a man who likes to blame a variety of things on this federation and it's president. That being said, he looks to wipe out Ryan Stevens with a pipe here tonight. He is the master of Crippler Crossface. He is BLAAAAAAAAAAACKHEART!!!
(Blackheart comes out of the entryway with no smile and a very cold expression on. He turns his back as explosions go off on the entryway. He flips around and trots to the ring where he slides in and awaits his last opponent.)
SSC: I've got fears for this match, this is gonna be nasty.
(The two men immediately engage in an exchange of rights and lefts. Stevens blocks a left and clotheslines Blackheart to the mat. He lays some boots into Blackheart and Blackheart quickly rolls out of the ring.)
MC: Smart move, that's my man.
(Blackheart grabs a chair from the outside and sets in the corner. He rolls back into the ring and locks up with Stevens. Stevens pushes him back into a corner and the ref calls for the break. Stevens separates and Blackheart rakes the eyes. He turns and rakes the eyes of the ref as well.)
SSC: What did he do that for?
(He quickly picks up the chair and plasters Stevens in the face with it!!)
SSC: That's not right!!!
(Blackheart heads towards the turnbuckle where the pipe is hanging above and begins to climb them. He reaches up but Stevens is on his feet and drop kicks Blackheart in the back. Blackheart falls off the turnbuckles and Stevens kicks him square in the temple.)
(Stevens smiles at Blackheart on the ground beneath him writing in pain. He skips over Blackheart and begins to climb the turnbuckles, but Blackheart has the presence of mind to grab him by the foot and pull him down. Stevens stumbles and Blackheart sweeps his feet out from under him.)
SSC: Both of these men have their sights set on that pole, this is going to go back and forth.
(Blackheart to his feet and lays a couple boots in the gut of Stevens. He hops out of the ring and pulls Steven's head out over the apron. He hops back up on the apron and...)
(Stevens is writhing in immense pain and holding his neck at the sudden impact of the move. Blackheart now in the ring and mounting the turnbuckles...but wait, something weird happening.)
SSC: A knife is slicing a hole in the ring mat!!! What the f&ck?!?!
(Blackheart has stopped to watch the whole being cut open that is now a gaping wide whole. A hand comes up and grabs a hold of Blackheart's leg!!)
SSC: What the hell is going on here???
(Stevens is up to one knee and has pulled back into a corner, holding the ref with his back to the situation. The hand pulls Blackheart slowly down into the mat. Blackheart is now about waist high into the mat. Stevens moves the ref and backs up to deliver a mind blowing kick to the face of Blackheart.)
SSC: Shades of Tajiri on that kick.
(Stevens smiles and Blackheart struggles, but can't get free. The ref is confused but Stevens mounts the turnbuckle and grabs the pipe off of the pole. He drops down to the mat and smiles at the crowd around him, as Blackheart is helpless and trapped.)
SSC: Oh no....
(Stevens lines up Blackheart and swings the pipe.....)
(Stevens grabs the ref and throws him out of the ring. Out of the ring emerges....)
MC: I like the plan, but dammit, what about Blackheart???
SSC: I'm sure you loved that one totally, Magnus.
MC: I loved each and every drip drop of blood that hit that canvas. What a great match. My man Blackheart is gonna bounce back, have no fear. He's going to rape this federation. I've said it and I'll say it again.
SSC: Right, well, you are as out there as ever. Next up tonight we start getting into tournament matches that will help decide who carries this federation into a new era. The first such match will be Wyatt Wallace vs. Silky Slim.
MC: Slim is the man tonight, hands down. Love the name, love the game. He's going to take this one and move on. He's my pick to win the whole thing.
SSC: Well, he's not going to win anything if he can't get past Wallace here tonight. Let's head down to the ring and Ryan Vaughn.
RV: First out tonight in this first SEWF second round tourney match of the night is a man who has made quite an impact on the SEWF in quite a short time. He is the master of Blinded By Science. He is WYATT WALLLLLLACE!!!
("Sleep Now In The Fire" hits as Wyatt Wallace walks out, causing a giant uproar of cheers throughout the crowd. Wallace wears his green and black trunks and his black pads as well before slowly making his way to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and mounting a turnbuckle to a chorus of cheers.)
RV: His opponent tonight is a man who's made absolutely zero friends here in the SEWF. He is the master of S.T.F and he is SILKY SLIIIIIIIIM!!!!
(The camera fades out as bright beams of dark blue and yellow start flashing around the ring. As the two beams intersect they project a radiant beam of green just as "I" by Taproot begins to blare in the background. As the heavy melodies fill the arena we see Silky Slim emerge from the back, wearing a
smirkish grin. Aside from the grin he has on a pair of Black wrestling tights with a thick red stripe down the left leg. Inside the stripe in silver lettering is the word "Smooth".)
SSC: Slim confident, and we have action in the ring going already.
(Both face off in the middle of the ring..and Slim chops Wallace! Wallace chops Slim! Wallace! Slim! Wallace! Wallace! Wallace with the advantage, Slim's backed in the ropes..irish whip by Wallace, Slim
reverses...and Wallace with a cross bodyblock!)
SSC: Great move by Wallace, cover....only a one with a quick kickout.
(More chops by Wallace...hip toss, but Slim on his feet! Wallace with a kick..front facelock...tries a DDT, but Slim throws him off! Slim misses a lariat..atomic drop by Wallace!)
SSC: Slim's hurting after that...Wallace hooks him, EXPLODER SUPLEX!
MC: Phooey.
SSC: Wallace drags him to the ropes..bounces up, out, SPLIT-LEGGED MOONSAULT! 1...2...and a kickout!
MC: Well, duh. You expect him to lose to something that pathetic?
(Wallace sends Slim into the ropes, kick..Wallace off the ropes, AND SLIM BACKDROPS HIM TO THE FLOOR! But Wallace holds onto the ropes..skins the cat, and he headscissors Slim outside! Wallace walks up to the apron...ASAI MOONSAULT! Wallace picks Slim up and whips him into the steel steps..)
MC: Wallace follows..Slim picks him up, STUNGUN ON THE RAIL!
MC: Well, that'll change that stupid voice of his.
SSC: And Slim's not done..going for a kneebreaker, NO! Drops him knee first onto the steel steps!
(Slim throws Wallace into the ring..up to the apron..slingshot senton onto Wallace! 1..2..and a kickout. Slim gets back up, Wallace is up as well, Slim kicks away at Wallace's knee...dragon screw legwhip! Hooks both legs now, and Slim slingshots Wallace into the corner. Slim picks up Wallace and places him in the corner, hooking his bad leg in the Tree of Woe!)
SSC: Oh no, this is going to be painful.
(Some kicks to the knee..Slim goes to the apron..and hits a slingshot dropkick to the knee! Wallace is knocked out of the Tree and he's rolling on the mat in pain. Slim hooks the leg and tries a figure-four, but Wallace somehow inside cradles him! 1..2, kickout by Slim.)
SSC: Clothesline by Slim...he's going up top....MISSES THE KNEEDROP!
MC: Well, great, now his knee is hurt! What'll happen now?!
SSC: We're about to see..Slim getting up, and Wallace up as well..kick by Slim, gimpy a bit but not much..BUTTERFLY, NO! WALLACE LEAPS UP INTO A RANA!
MC: How the HELL did he do that?!
SSC: I have no idea...and Wallace with a DDT!
MC: And he's going up top. What a moron.
SSC: Wallace up top..GUILLOTINE LEGDROP! But he hurt his leg coming down!
MC: I told you! Slim probably played possum and let him hit that legdrop so he'd hurt his leg! What a brilliant move!
(Wallace is back on his feet, he's holding that leg..chops away at Slim in the corner...kicks him in the gut! He's off the ropes...clothesline ducked by Slim! AND SLIM CLIPS HIM!)
MC: Touchdown!
SSC: That'd be a penalty, but it's legal here! AND SLIM HOOKS THE STF!
SSC: Wallace reaches for the ropes, he's nowhere close..AND HE TAPS OUT! IT'S OVER!
SSC: Great win for Slim and I guess you were right Magnus, he is going to move on.
MC: Indeed. It's a shame you doubt so often, Steve.
SSC: It's a shame you're wrong so often...Magnus. Silky Slim is going to take on the winner of our next match, but before that Simon Southward has asked for a little bit of time and far be it from us to deny him that right. Here he is.
("Spinning Wheel" by Love & Hate begins to play, and the lights dim in the arena. Simon Southward, dressed in new red and silver tights (red background, barbed wire wrapping around) walks to the ring to a chorus of cheers from the capacity crowd. Southward has a silk wrapped bag in his right hand, but highfives a few fans with his left on the way to the ring. He slides the bag into the ring, then slides into the ring himself, grabbing the microphone on the way in. Southward kneels in the middle of the ring, next to the bag, and begins to speak.)
SIMON SOUTHWARD: Y'know, some people seeem to have gotten the wrong impression about me based on what happened a couple of nights ago. I can understand that. I mean, most would think that throwing small daggers at a poster of my opponent tonight, Higor Rosa..
(The crowd boos at the mention of Rosa's name.)
SOUTHWARD: ..oh, hey, you know him. Anyway, most would think tossing daggers at a poster of the guy would be seen as a bit strange. Maybe people would think that, hey, this kid's got some serious issues to work out. That definitely ain't normal. Right?
(Southward stands up.)
SOUTHWARD: Well, what is normal, ladies and germs? What everybody else does? The status quo? Hell, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, just plain freedom. What isn't normal to one might be normal to another. Tossing daggers at a poster? That relaxes it. It helps me to focus on the task at hand..which is, by a startling coincidence, wrestling one Higor Rosa.
(More boos. Southward smiles.)
SOUTHWARD: Now here's a guy that a lot of you might find normal. He's a beer-swilling, foul-mouthed SOB. Reminds me a lot of some guy..I dunno, makes me feel completely stone cold. Anyway, a lot of you can sympathize with a total loser like him. After all, a lot of you are beer-swilling, foul-mouthed SOBs. It's true. Completely normal, right?
(The crowd boos again, but this time, toward Southward. Their mood toward Simon is changing a bit.)
SOUTHWARD: Well, kids, I've never been normal. Ask around. I've had a lot of fun in my career going outside the norm, being a little bit different than the common man. But then again, that's what people want, right? They want something a little bit odd. They want something they can pay attention to. The same old same old just doesn't cut it anymore.
(Southhard picks up the bag he brought with him.)
SOUTHWARD: And that is where I come in. You see, it's time for a movement here in the SEWF. I'm not going to wait for people to be lulled into a sense of security, surrounded by the same old faces that think they deserve to be champion because of what they've done. No, I'm taking the bull by the horns here. I'm not *waiting* to get the SEWF World championship in a month, or a few months, or a few years, when somebody's kind enough to give me a title shot. No. I want the title *now*.
(Southward turns a bit more serious, looking right at the camera.)
SOUTHWARD: And Rosa..you and your drunkenness are in my way. Tonight, we're colliding in the middle of this very ring. Your normalness, and my normalness. Two opposites.
(Southward walks toward a corner, unwraps the bag, and removes.....an unopened bottle of Jim Beam. The crowd cheers as Southward holds the bottle up for the camera.)
SOUTHWARD: Hey, look, a present for you, Rosa. One of your best friends. Ol' Jim Beam. Hey, pop quiz, amigo..you ever hear what happens when opposites combine? When matter and antimatter go head to head? It ends up being something like this...
(Southward turns and, with one swing, strikes the top turnbuckle with the bottle, shattering it into a thousand pieces. Some of the glass lands harmlessly on Southward's shoulder, some lands on the mat, some lands on the arena floor. Southward calmly brushes the glass off his shoulder and turns toward the camera, dead serious. He holds the remnants of the bottle up.)
SOUTHWARD: Kablooey. An explosion. The funny thing is, one usually survives..while the other gets blown to bits. I will be the survivor, Rosa..and when you pull yourself together, have a drink to me...the next SEWF World heavyweight champion.
(The lights dim down once again as "Spinning Wheel" starts back up. Soutwhard slides out of the ring into the darkness created by the absence of the lights. The crowd, solidly behind Southward at start, is now booing a bit.)
SSC: Of course we will be seeing a lot more of Southward later tonight when he takes on Higor Rosa to move on in the tournament. However, before that, we have Omega vs. Burt Clifton.
MC: Clifton's win was nothing more than a fluke last week and Omega is going to exploit that for all it's worth. Clifton is the lamb for slaughter at the hands of Barb here tonight.
SSC: True or not, the match is next. Let's hit the ring.
RV: First out in this tournament match is a man who likes to cart around his manager "Barb." He is the master of the Red Dawn. He is OMEEEEEEGA!!!!
(The lights suddenly go out as a red and white strobe light hits the arena. Suddenly "The Next Episode" by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg starts to blare over the PA system. Then the Shaw-tron lights up with the words "BLOOD IS A VIRTUE". Suddenly Omega runs to the ring screaming like a mad man waving "Barb" high in the air. Omega slides into the ring and sits in the corner talking to "Barb" rocking back and forth...)
RV: Next out in this match will be the resident underdog here in the SEWF. He looks to prove more people wrong here tonight. He is the master of Dragon Suplex. He is BURT CLIIIIIIIIIFTON!!!!
("Blue Monday" by New Order hits the loudspeakers as Clifton emerges from the entryway. He looks a little nervous and is quite cautious in his steps to the ring. He looks cautiously at the fans along the aisleway and rolls into the ring. The bell rings and this match is underway.)
SSC: This one ought to be a great one folks.
(Omega and Clifton lock up as Omega powers Clifton back into a corner. The ref calls for the break and the two separate. They lock back up and this time Clifton with the advantage, pushing Omega back against the ropes. Clifton swings Omega off the ropes and clotheslines him to the mat on the way back. Clifton now walking over to the corner where "Barb" is lying. He begins to talk to the chair...)
SSC: Well, I guess Clifton really wants to make friends with something, anything.
MC: What a moron. Seriously, get this guy some mental help and get him out of here.
(Omega hops up and gets a little angry that Clifton is trying to talk to his friend and drop kicks Clifton in the back of the head. Clifton's face goes smashing into the turnbuckle pad and Clifton falls to the mat. Omega pulls his legs around and in the middle of the ring, locking on a figure four!)
SSC: Pretty early for a submission here...
MC: That's my boy, Clifton will submit, he's a pansy.
(Clifton is sliding towards the ropes and gets there. Far too much in Clifton to stay in the figure four for too long. Omega breaks the hold and picks Clifton up by the hair. He kicks Clifton in the stomach on the way back, hooks the arms, and...)
(Clifton now dazed from the move and Omega going for his legs, this time locking on a Nagata Lock!!)
SSC: Omega is certainly hitting some big technical moves in the early going.
(Clifton screaming in pain, and Omega cinches the hold in tighter. Clifton writhing in pain now and inching towards the ropes. The fans are solidly behind this man as he inches closer and closer until he finally grabs a hold of a bottom rope with his hand. Omega is forced to let the hold go.)
SSC: That had to take something out of Clifton.
(Clifton now aching but Omega picks him right back up to his feet and whips him into the corner. He charges in but Clifton with a big elbow to counter. Omega stumbles and charges back in but Clifton scoops him up on to his back. He twirls around once and drops him head first in a huge Spicolli Driver!)
SSC: Cover...One...Two....No, Omega out in two.
(Omega rubbing his head in pain of the move. Clifton stays on the attack and drops a couple knees across the face of Omega. Omega covers his face and Clifton slides him into the middle of the ring and boots him a couple of times in the gut. Clifton picks Omega up this time and whips him into the ropes. On the return trip Clifton picks him and drops him in a big Samoan drop. Clifton mounts the top turnbuckles and Omega stirs....Omega is up...)
(Omega rolls around and out of the ring. Omega slides across the floor closer to his corner. Clifton now down and in pursuit of Omega. Omega gets to his corner and grabs "Barb." Clifton doesn't see it and walks right around the corner into....)
(Clifton is bleeding and on the ground outside the ring right now and Omega slides back into the ring. He is telling the ref to start the ten count, which he does.)
SSC: This is trouble for Clifton, he's not moving....1....2....3.....4...5....6....stirring from Clifton....
(The ref hits 7 and Clifton is starting to pull himself up by the apron. 8 and Clifton is upright, 9 and he's rolled into the ring. Ref stops the count and Omega immediately goes to work with the boots applied to Clifton. Omega now mounting the turnbuckle. He stands tall on top and looks out at the crowd. They boo and he comes off in a huge senton bomb!!)
(Omega hits the mat in frustration and picks Clifton to his feet. He whips Clifton into the ropes but Clifton ducks and comes back. He hooks one of Omega's arms and slides behind. He pulls Omega's arms up in full nelson position!!!)
MC: That bastard!! Tell him to get back here!
(The crowd is going nuts as Clifton rolls out of the ring and walks straight to the back.)
SSC: Well, Clifton again surprises his doubters with a big win and a big tourney spot against Silky Slim next week. That will certainly be a matchup to watch.
MC: Yeah, and while Clifton got lucky this week, he's got absolutely no shot against Silky Slim next week. This is the end or the trail for Clifton.
SSC: On the other side of the bracket here tonight, we start out with Simon Southward vs. Higor "Rebel" Rosa. I like Southward and what's he's done while he's been here, but Rosa is no average foe.
MC: Southward is the man tonight, hands down. That's all, nothing else to be said.
SSC: Let's hit the ring.
RV: First out in this match is a man who has been a little tipsy, but looks to capitalize on his unpredictablity here tonight. He is the master of the Confederate Crush and he HIGOR "REBEL" ROOOOOOOOOOOOSA!!!!!
(Rosa stumbles out of the entryway, flashes a smile and pyro goes off behind him. He walks steadily to the ring and jots up the ring steps and into the ring.)
RV: His opponent tonight for a spot in the third round of the SEWF Title Tourney is a man who comes to us from far away and brings in a new school flavor to match Rosa's old school SEWF involvement. He is the master of the Echoside...He is SIMON SOUTHWAAAAAAAAAARD!!!
(As the crowd cheers, "Spinning Wheel" by Love and Hate begins to play. Simon Southward, clad in his customary shiny black and yellow pleather pants and black boots, strolls out to the entranceway,
surveying the arena before him. Southward walks down the aisle quickly, highfiving a few random fans as he gets to the ring. Southward slides in, then pushes himself back into the corner, waiting for his opponent, then pulling himself up by the top rope.)
SSC: This is an interesting clash of similar styles in the ring right now, this will be fun to watch.
(The two men circle each other a bit and Southward immediately drop kicks Rosa in the knee. Rosa stumbles backwards and Southward up to his feet swings Rosa into the ropes. Rosa hobbles in and back where Southward drop kicks him in the same knee once more.)
SSC: Southward's plan of attack seems quite definite here. Take out the knee and take the win.
MC: Moron, he'll never do it. Rosa is OLD SCHOOL. He's got this one in the bag.
(Southward pulls Rosa's leg out across the bottom rope, swings up and down and drops down hard on the leg. Rosa recoils in pain but Southward again stretchs the leg out over the rope to drop down once more. Southward pulls Rosa to his feet and Rosa limps on the injured knee. Southward drops and absoultely plasters Rosa with a dragon screw leg whip on the same knee. Rosa in major pain.)
SSC: I hate that move...it's just so violent.
MC: Pus--
SSC: WATCH IT. Family show.
(Southward now lifts Rosa to his feet and scoops him. He puts Southward up against the turnbuckle and hitches him in the Tree of Woe.)
SSC: This is gonna be nasty.
MC: Get outta there, Higor, come on now.
(Southward slides slowly back into the opposite turnbuckle and charges full speed to drop kick Rosa once more in the knee. Rosa screams in pain and collapses in a heap in the corner.)
SSC: Southward with the cover.....1.....2....NO, Rosa showing some heart got the shoulder up.
MC: That's my boy, go get that batard Rosa.
(Southward picks Rosa once more up to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Rosa hobbles in but grabs a hold of the ropes and Southward misses with a drop kick. Southward gets up to his feet and Rosa nails him with a superkick, putting all the weight on the one good knee he has. Southward stumbles back and Rosa flies with a big shoulder block. Southward down.)
SSC: Cover by Rosa....1.....2...shoulder up.
(Southward rolls out of the ring and slides back behind the ring steps. Rosa comes walking slowly around the corner and Southward drop kicks the ring steps into Rosa's injured knee!!)
MC: OHHH!!!!
(Southward rolls Rosa back in and picks him up to drop his throat across the top rope as he leaps back off the apron. Rosa falls backwards on to the mat and Southward hops back up on the apron. He execute a slingshot leg drop on to the injured knee of Rosa.)
SSC: Rosa is certainly sticking with the game plan. Cover....One...Two....Thr..NO, Rosa gets the shoulder rolled.
MC: He's just lulling Southward into a false sense of security, it's quite simple.
SSC: Right.
(Southward lifts Rosa up to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Rosa ducks a clothesline and comes back to kick Southward in the gut. Southward doubles over and Rosa hitches him for some kind of suplex. He lifts and drops Southward in a massive brainbuster!)
SSC: Rosa down, Southward down, Southward starting to stir....
(The two men are down and the ref begins the 10 count. However, Southward is up to a knee and Rosa is beginning to stir. Rosa is up now and the two run at each other in a massive double clothesline collision!)
SSC: Train wreck number one of the night. This one could go either way...
MC: Brilliantly played by Rosa.
SSC: Right...
(The two men are stirring now at the 5 count. We hit 8 and the two men are up to a knee, 9 and both men are up to a standing position. Rosa swings wildly and the ref gets bumped in the head. He staggers back a few feet and....)
(Southward takes the opening and twirls Rosa around...)
MC: Dammit anyway. I just lost another $40.
SSC: Seriously, stop betting on your own federation. Who did you lose to?
MC: Some guy named Tommy Kain, met him yesterday.
SSC: Damn, you really need to stop socializing with such lowlifes.
MC: Eh.
SSC: Next up we have the much anticipated battle between Jay Lange and Jack Paine. This one will definitely be one for the archives. And speaking of those archives, you can hit up http://ewrestling.itgo.com/ and check out some of those archives.
MC: Shill. Jack Paine is going to run away with this one. He's got the edginess, he's got the desire, he's got the skills, Jay Lange is nothing that's going to stop all that.
SSC: Before we get to that, I've gotten word that there's a new guy in the ring ready to speak to the ShawPlex, so I guess we better go to the ring.
(The lights in the arena go out... and Overture of the Rebel Angels starts playing. A lone spotlight reveals aman dressed all in black and a woman in a tight black catsuit on the stage. They both look over the audience and begin their trek to the ring. After 30 seconds they climb into the ring and the music fades. The man is handed a microphone)
Man: Please allow me to introduce myself. Im a man of wealth and taste. I've been around for a long long year, stole many a man soul and faith.Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name... because what is puzzling you is the nature of my game. Well.. my name is Diablo.. at my side is Demona.. my manager, my confidant, my partner for life.
(The crowd cheers for Demona)
Diablo: Now you may be asking yourself, because I know I'm asking myself too, how the HELL did I arrive in such a fed like this.. in front of fans like you. What a long strange trip its been. First off... Im happy to be in a new place...to be able to show all of you how great I am. (Crowd starts to boo) There are some talented boys in the back... but I can beat them all. Most of them I have never seen before... but that's ok... I will learn their weaknesses and and exploit them to my fullest. There are a couple of familiar faces... They couldnt hack it where I came from... Sure.. both held gold there, but so have I.. but still..they ran to a weaker place such as this. One even changed his name.. .. how pathetic. It doesnt matter.. its just another body for the slaughter. Now... I call anyone from the back out that is not afraid to take on me. Tonight, next week, whenever....Just bring it. Oh.. dont hate be for what I say... for this is what the devil does.
(With the crows booing loudly, Diablo throws the mic down, assists Demona out of the ring, and goes into the back)
SSC: Well, I guess Diablo is a part of the SEWF. He comes with an impressive resume, he'll be a great addition to the SEWF. It looks as if he's looking for some stiff competition and I'm sure Mr. Shaw will arrange that for next week.
MC: Diablo is my kind of guy, he's going to reshape this fed and get rid of the Jay Langes of the world.
SSC: Speaking of Jay Lange, let's get down to Ryan Vaughn for his introduction.
RV: First out in this match is a man who has roots in the SEWF old, but looks to capitalize here in the SEWF new. He is the master of the Rising Dragon. He is JAY LAAAAAAAANGE!!!!!
(Lange walks out of the entrway with Midori on one arm. He smiles at the reception of the ShawPlex and strides slowly to the ring. He walks up the ring steps and lifts the rope for Midori to enter. The two are in the middle of the ring and await Jarred.)
RV: His opponent in this second round tournament match is a man who has claimed that all the people in this federation are sheep. He's looking tonight to slaughter one of those sheep. He is the master of the Hagnover. He is JACK PAAAAAAAAAINE!!!!
(Pains emerges from the entryway as "Fall" by Sevendust hits the ShawPlex sound system. The fans react in a chorus of boos. Paine smiles at the reception and walks deliberately to the ring as a couple explosions go off behind him. He rolls into the ring and stares down Youngblood.)
(As Paine gets to the ringside area, Midori comes around from the left side and gets his attention - enough for Lange to come from the *right* side and wallop him from behind to start the match off! Lange whips Paine hard intothe rail..and roundhouse kicks him on the rebound! Lange sends Paine into the ring and shoves him into the corner..and follows up with a knife-edge chop! And another.)
SSC: Armdrag takedown by Lange..and he goes right to the armbar! No,floats, cross armbreaker applied!
MC: That's not fair, he's going after Paine's bad arm!
SSC: Paine's had problems with that right arm, and Lange knows it!
MC: He should be disqualified!
SSC: It does say, don't mess with Midori, you'll get Lange full force.
(But Paine makes the ropes, Lange breaks the hold..both men up..kick by Lange..BELLY-TO-BELLY! 1...2...and a kickout by Paine! Lange whips Paine into the corner, follows in..but Paine gets the feet
intohis face! Lange is dazed..but as Paine charges at him, Lange nails him with a lariat! Paine back to his feet..he gets spun around by a kick to the face by Paine!)
SSC: Paine's got his foot around Lange's leg, he's not letting him go into the buckle...OH! LANGE TURNS IT INTO A RELEASE DRAGON SUPLEX!
MC: C'mon, Paine, get up! Show this guy who's boss!
(Paine rolls out to the floor to regroup..and Lange's right out after him.Paine gets caught by Lange...Lange with a right hand..Irish whip, NO! Paine reverses, Lange goes OVER the ringsteps!)
MC: Yes! That's how you do it!
(Paine throws Lange back into the ring..Paine up to the second rope...LARIAT OFF THE SECOND! COVER! 1...2...no, shoulder up by Lange! Paine punches away at Lange in the corner..hooks him..a brainbuster! Paine back up, bounces off the ropes...drops the leg! 1..2...kickout by Lange.)
SSC: Lange hooked by Paine, going for a sambo suplex..no, Lange's fighting it!
MC: Go down like a man!
SSC: Lange with elbows, he's out of the move..but Paine pokes him in the eyes!
MC: A good Greco-Roman poke to the eye! Works every time.
SSC: It worked this time, hooked again..FISHERMAN'S DDT! HE'S GOT IT HERE! 1...2...NO, A KICKOUT!
MC: Damn!
(Paine whips Lange into the corner and charges...but Lange moves out of the way of the avalanche! He rolls him up! 1...2, no! A kickout..both up, but a double clothesline! Paine's up first, but Lange greets him with a punch to the gut and knife-edge chops! Into the ropes..Paine hits him with a forearm.)
MC: Finish him!
SSC: Paine sets him up, half-nelson..LANGE FLIPS BEHIND PAINE! ON HIS FEET!
MC: How the..
(Legsweep by Lange takes Paine down for a moment! Paine up, Lange up..kick by Lange blocked--BUT THE ENZUIGIRI ISN'T! Chops by Lange in the ropes..Irish whip, Paine reverses! Clothesline, no, Lange hooks the arm, floats over..HOOKS HIM! INTO THE CORNER...AND HE HITS THE RISING DRAGON!)
MC: Paine was robbed! ROBBED, I tell you!
SSC: Lange wins, but he's not done! He picks Paine up..
MC: That's his own move! That's gimmick infringement!
SSC: Lange with a huge win, gotta be impressed by this guy. He's come out for two weeks and taken care of people in impressive fashion.
MC: Paine will be back, mark my words. That man will not be kept off the top of this heap for long.
SSC: Paine will certainly be a man to reckon with in this federation, to be sure. However, up next is our main event of the evening, Ray Hagan vs. Rick Wallace.
MC: Hagan, the REAL world champion, will be taking this match in easy fashion. Rick is no match for the skill and stamina of Mr. Hagan. I mean seriously, the SEWFG2 champ? Who was in that damn federation?
SSC: Your boss.
MC: And what a great federation it was....
SSC: Hagan vs. Wallace, let's hit the ring.
RV: While some may call our first combatant arrogant, he sees it as a simple fact that he is SEWF World Champion. He is here to stake his title and his spot at ShawCade 3. He is the master of Superstar Kick. He is RAY HAAAAAAAAAAGAN!!!!
("What A Girl Wants" by Christina Aguilera plays and Ray emerges from the entryway. He smiles at the crowd around him as they erupt in a chorus of boos. He enjoys the attention and walks slowly to the ring having words with a variety of the fans on the aisleway.)
RV: His opponent in this match is the champion of the SEWFG2, now dead. He looks to put up that title here tonight to prove he's better than Ray and deserves all the gold. He is the master of the Ecstacy, he is "RISQUE" RICK WALLLLLLLLLACE!!!!!!
(Rick Wallace comes sprinting out of the entryway and slides into the ring. The crowd cheers for the man, mostly out of hatred for Ray Hagan, and cheer when he begins to trade lefts and rights with Ray Hagan.)
SSC: This match is underway in dramatic fashion folks.
(Hagan and Wallace are trading blows. Hagan blocks a left from Wallace and kicks Wallace in the gut. He slides around and drops him in big hangman's neckbreaker. Hagan mounts a turnbuckle to a round of boos from the crowd.)
SSC: And Hagan is no fan favorite here in the Shawplex.
(Wallace is up and as Hagan dismounts the turnbuckles meets a big left from Wallace. Wallace whips Hagan cross ring into the opposite turnbuckle and follows him with a big splash. Hagan stumbles out of the corner and Wallace hits the opposite ropes and drops him with a bulldog.)
SSC: Great combo from Wallace, he's got it working tonight.
MC: He's simply filler till Hagan gets to ShawCade, nothing more.
(Wallace picks up Hagan by the hair and gives him a big European uppercut. Hagan stumbles back agains the ropes and Wallace whips him in. Hagan ducks a clothesline and comes back to put a sleeper hold on Rick Wallace.)
SSC: Oh no, this could be trouble for Wallace.
(Wallace is struggling out of the move, but can't break free and drops to one knee. Hagan cinches in the hold as the camera catches a closeup of his face in a large amount of intensity. Hagan keeps cinching in the hold more and more and now Wallace is down on the mat. Hagan yells at the ref to start checking Wallace, so the ref does so. He lifts up Wallace's hand once....falls.....twice.....falls...)
SSC: No, Wallace can't go out this early. The ref picks up the arm once more.....drops it....NO..THERE IS LIFE IN WALLACE!!
(The crowd now solidly behind Wallace as he fights his way to his feet. The two are at a vertical base and Wallace begins to plant elbows in the stomach of Hagan to cause some separation. Wallace hits the ropes and comes back to slap on a sleeper hold of his own!)
SSC: Great psychology by Wallace and the crowd quite behind Wallace at this point.
MC: Sheep.
(Hagan will have nothing of it and drops down in a jawbreaker. Wallace stumbles backwards against the ropes and Hagan clotheslines him back over and out of the ring.)
SSC: And as most fights here do...this one has spilled outside.
(Hagan drops down to the concrete floor and whips Wallace into the guardrail. Wallace hits and grunts in pain at the impact to the back. Hagan goes after Wallace to whip him in again, but Wallace with an irish whip to send Hagan against the guardrail. Hagan in pain but charges off the guardrail at Wallace. Wallace scoops him up and drops him throat first across the guardrail.)
SSC: Wallace is hanging in there playing Hagan's game.
MC: Sheep.
SSC: Ok, that made no sense.
MC: Bitch.
SSC: Much better.
(Wallace scoops Hagan off the ground and rolls him back into the ring. Hagan holding his throat as Wallace hops up on the apron and enters the ring. He lays a couple of boots to the face of Hagan and pulls him throat first over the second rope. Wallace hits the opposite ropes and jumps on top of Hagan's back and drives the throat into the bottom rope.)
SSC: Wallace focusing on the throat and this could be it for Hagan.
(Hagan still holding the throat and Wallace picks him up. Wallace whips Hagan into the ropes but Hagan kicks Wallace in the face after an attempted back body drop. Hagan sets up and...)
(Wallace is down and Hagan, still holding the throat, lays a couple of boots into his side. He rolls him over and mounts the top turnbuckle. He looks out at the crowd as a huge chorus of boos rises up from the stands of the Shawplex. He focuses back on Wallace and comes out with a huge legdrop...)
(Wallace picks Hagan up to the mat and puts him in double underhook position. Hagan powers out and back body drops Wallace!!)
SSC: Oh no....
(Wallace up and turns around....)
MC: YEAH!!!!! Won my 40 bucks back!
SSC: Dammit anyway Magnus, wait something else going on....we've got someone in the ring..
(A man with back to the camera taps Hagan on the shoulder. Hagan turns and gets a huge fist to the mush, sending Hagan to the mat...)
SSC: That's JAY LANGE!!!! The crowd is going nuts...
Jay Lange: That doesn't prove anything, you're still no champion.
MC: Dammit, get him out of the ring!
(Hagan up to his feet and the two are brawling in the center of the ring but security runs in and pulls the two apart...)
SSC: What a confrontation!!! WE'RE OUT OF TIME!!! For Dave Shaw, Ryan Vaughn, Matt Hammer and Magnus Colby, I'm Stylin' Steve Chen. GOODNIGHT!!!