(As the light slowly begins to fade in, a view of the mountains begins to be distinct. The camera takes in the beautiful view of the surrounding mountains and sky, swooping down to start moving across the valley floor. It begins to move faster and faster as it hovers over a river. Brown bears can be seen near the banks and various rocks and trees jut out of the lazy water. Onward the camera travels, ever gaining speed until a steep drop in the river can be seen ahead. It is a rather large waterfall and as the camera passes over the waterfall, it makes a long, swooping 180 degree turn. We see the waterfall is simply a part of the bottom of a large chiseled S. As the camera zooms even further out, the letters SEWF can be seen, cleary struck into the unforgiving rock. The camera fades to black...)
(We fade in on Dave Shaw standing in the middle of the ring from the gala. Intermitant bursts of pictures from the gala such as Wallace attacking Shanoski, Winter brooding in a locker room, Clifton um...brooding in his mom's basement, Stevens jumping up and down, even Jarred Matthews getting stomped by Silky Slim...)
Voice: The week began with a bang, and held that excitement throughout the week...
(Shots of various promos of the week including Clifton by the ice machine, Jay Lange settling an argument between his bevy of ladies, Rookens describing fear to us, lastly Higor Rosa pops his head out of a tent and laments being pulled away from some loving.)
Voice: Tonight we begin our journey along that SEWF road. Tonight we begin a tournament to crown a new SEWF World Heavyweight Champion. Tonight we take the foundation of a legendary federation and make it a foundation for new beginnings. Tonight, we make history...
(Camera fades in once more, but this time on a bustling urban city. Mountains are seen in the distance and the camera flows down in between buildings, zig zagging it's way through a maze of urban expanse. It arrives at a large domed structure marked "Shawplex" on the outside. It swings around the outside once and enters through large gaping doors. It bursts in on the seats to fill the ShawPlex and as it does so...)
(The SEWF entryway lights up in a shower of fireworks, followed by screaming pyro and a flashe of blasts around the top of the SEWF ring. The ringposts ignite in a shower of fireworks as the crowd goes seriously ape shit.)
SSC: My name is Stylin' Steve Chen and I am here with Magnus Colby, and we are incredibly excited to be bringing the first SEWF Sunday Night Mothership straight into your family room.
Magnus Colby: Yeah, whatever, I'm in a betting pool over how many months until Dave Shaw closes this federation. I've got 2 months in the pot, but I think I may have overshot a little.
SSC: And welcome SEWF fans to Magnus Colby's raging stupidity. Get used to it, as he's got a guaranteed contract. I have no idea what Dave sees in you Magnus.
MC: He recognizes true eloquence and excellence in commentating, what can I tell ya? It's the only good decision he's made so far in this SEWF run.
SSC: Whatever, arguing with you will get me nowhere and frankly, we've got too much action tonight to keep this stupid banter going. So, let's get to the matches with our first bout of the night, Higor "The Rebel" Rosa vs. Brian "Barbed Wire" Williams vs. Johnny "The Angel" Shines.
MC: I'd definitely say that Rosa is the favorite in this one. That old drunk could wipe up Shines and Barbed with three bottles of Vodka under his belt.
SSC: As stupid as I think you are, I think Higor may be the man to be, but Barbed Wire will definitely give him a run for his preverbial money. Let's go down to the ring.
(Camera cuts from the broadcast location to the middle of the ring where SEWF Ring Announcer, Ryan Vaughn is awaiting his cue for introductions.)
Ryan Vaughn: First out tonight will be a man who has been the silent, brooding type here in the SEWF. He hails from SHINES HOMETOWN. He is JOHNNY "THE ANGEL" SHIIIIIIIIINES!!!!!
(Shines trots to the ring out of the entryway with no fanfare or even pyro. He takes a glance at the fans, but keeps on going. He slides into the ring and retreats to a corner.)
RV: Next out tonight will be a man who we all saw in the SEWFG2. Well, some of us at least. Straight out of Los Angeles, California, here is "BARBED WIRE" BRIAN WILLLLLLLLLIAMS!!!
(Nobody like you by limp bizket plays and the lights turn to red and silver as Brian williams walks out from the entrance curtain when the words begin. He walks down looking form side to side with a smirk on his face. He reaches the ring and grabs the top rope and jump up to the apron and puts his leg over the middle rope and steps in the ring as he stands in the middle of the ring as the lights flash over him going from red to silver back and forth almost like a strobe light until the music fades out he wait in the ring sitting on the mid turnbuckle till his opponent comes down)
RV: Is he drunk all the time or just like that in his personality? It doesn't matter because he's here to kick some ass. He's from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, and he is HIGOR ROOOOOOOOOOOSA!!!!
(Rosa stumbles out of the entryway, flashes a smile and pyro goes off behind him. He walks steadily to the ring and jots up the ring steps and into the ring. Williams and Rosa stare each other down while Shines stands off in the corner. They lock up and Rosa sends Williams into the ropes. Leap frog by Rosa, comes off the opposite end.)
SSC: Rosa attempting another leap frog…NO! Sky high by Williams and here's the count 1..2…kickout!! Here comes Shines out of the corner coming to get in on the action.
(Shines spins Williams around and begins a flurry of right hands into the big man's face. He's not being affected at all. Shines goes for a big right but "Barbed Wire" blocks it. He grabs "The Angel" by the hair.)
SSC: Big Headbut!!!
(Shines is down to the mat and Williams begins stomping away on him. Rosa from behind clothesline takes the big man down, he then turns to "The Angel" and continues the onslaught that Williams had started. He lifts Shines up and sends him into the ropes…leap frog, Rosa turns around but Shines stops short and slides out of the ring.)
MC: Turn around Rosa!!
SSC: This is going to be painful.....
(Rosa turns around into the awaiting hands of Brian Williams. He wraps his massive hand around Higor's throat and sends him crashing into the mat with a spin around choke slam. The pin, but Shines back in and he breaks the count. Williams up and Shines down with a low blow. He follows it up with a scissors kick to the back of the neck. Rosa now getting to his feet.)
MC: What's this? Shines telling Higor to help him out? I don't know if I'd trust either man in this situation.
SSC: Higor seemingly trusts Shines though as they drag big Williams over to the corner. And, I might add, you don't trust anyone at anytime.
("The Angel" up top and he comes flying off with a shooting star press. Higor now going up top as the referee goes down for the count. 1….2….450 SPLASH!! Rosa lands on top of Shines and Williams!)
SSC: Impressive move by Rosa!!
(Rosa rolls Shines out of the ring and covers Williams. 1…but Brian gets a foot on the bottom rope. On the outside Shines slowly recovering as Rosa pulls Williams to his feet on the inside. Rosa comes off the ropes, cross body press…..Williams catches him!)
SSC: Rosa in no man's land now! This won't be a pretty site.
MC: Yes it will.
SSC: You're a sick man you know that?
MC: Yuuup. Williams parading around the ring with Rosa in his arms, but look out Shines on the top rope!! Williams turns and gets a missile dropkick to the face for his troubles!!
(Rosa rolls off of Williams and Shines is on the attack. He lifts Higor up, piledriver into the mat. The cover…1…2….2 3/4…..kick out. Shines to his feet, dragging Rosa up by the hair, Higor swats Shines' arms away and they begin exchanging rights and lefts. Rosa, Shines, Rosa, Shines, Rosa………Williams!)
MC: Hahahaaa! That was out of the Three Stooges right there folks. Did you see the way their faces collided?
SSC: …..You get smarter all the time.
(Williams picks up Rosa, he hooks him…..big powerbomb over the top rope and to the floor! Brian turns to Shines, a sadistic smile across his face as he picks up "The Angel".)
SSC: "The Angel" going for a ride here.
MC: More like "The Fallen Angel" if you ask me.
SSC: Your humor is quite morbid you know.
MC: Well thank you.
SSC: Oh, when I said morbid, I meant assinine.
(Shines up…and down he goes with a huge brainbuster from Williams!)
SSC: Williams parading around the ring, he turns……SUPERKICK!! Rosa sends Williams down to the mat.
(Rosa looks at the fallen Williams shakes his head and then looks over to Shines. He smiles and lifts the limp body off the mat.)
MC: Pipe down..Jesus! You'd think Rosa won the title or something.
SSC: HERE'S THE COVER!! One.....Two......THREE!!! Higor is moving on!!!
MC: And you doubted that raging alcoholic, how dare you. He's a better wrestler drunk than most of these stupid hacks are sober. Rosa is going to go far in this dirty federation.
SSC: Well, moving on, we have a match featuring one of the more impressive SEWF'ers so far and a guy that has touched every federation Dave Shaw has ever been involved in. Through in a relative unknown and this has become a very interesting matchup indeed.
MC: Paine has been preaching the truth all week long folks. These men are nothing but sheep and Dave Shaw is their bastard shephard. With Shaw as your leader, this fed is going straight to hell. Thank goodness we have Paine to keep all these people straight.
SSC: While Paine has been impressive, Luni and Youngblood are certainly going to take it to Paine. There is a lot at stake in this match, namely a shot at the most prestigious title in this sport, the SEWF World Heavyweight Champion. Mr. Vaughn, take it away.
RV: While silent this week, he looks to unleash a little pent up rage tonight and move on in the tourney. He is first out tonight and he is from Boston, Mass. Here he is, "YOUNGBLOOD" BRIAN MATTHEEEEEEEEEEWS!!!
("Pardon Me" by Incubus begins to play and Matthews walks out of the entryway, stone faced and silent as he walks to the ring. He looks back and a fountain of fireworks goes off behind him. He runs and slides into the ring to await his next opponents.)
RV: Next up is one of the more vicious men to emerge here in the SEWF. He calls his opponents sheep, and it looks like he's going to beat them as such here tonight. He hails from St. Louis, Missouri and he is JACK PAAAAAAAINE!!!
(Pains emerges from the entryway as "Fall" by Sevendust hits the ShawPlex sound system. The fans react in a chorus of boos. Paine smiles at the reception and walks deliberately to the ring as a couple explosions go off behind him. He rolls into the ring and stares down Youngblood.)
RV: Last out in this match is the CandyMan. The fans know him, the wrestlers know him, hell, the hobo on 4th and Main has heard of him. He is from Planet Mofo and he is LUUUUUUUUNI!!!!
(Luni comes sprinting out to the ring and immediately slides in to exchange rights and lefts with Youngblood. Paine watches a moment and jumps into the action with a drop kick to the back of Luni.)
SSC: This match is certainly starting out strong.
MC: I bet you $50 Jack Paine wins.
SSC: Why? You need money?
MC: I want to buy some candy from Luni.
SSC: Lets just get to the match.
( Paine starts the match by blind siding Youngblood but Luni jumps off the ropes and planchas both Paine and Youngblood. Luni slides Paine into the ring. Luni now running off the ropes. . . Paine trips him up as he tries for a leap frog. Paine grabs Luni and puts him chicken wing. Luni fighting the hold with all his might but, again, Paine forgets about the third person. Youngblood climbs the ropes and comes off with a money shot onto both Paine and Luni. Luni screaming in pain from the impact on his shoulder and
MC: Come on Paine. I got other bets on you! I need that candy money bad. . . and dont hurt LUNI!
SSC: Oh shut UP!
( Youngblood picks Paine up but Paine drops and low blows Youngblood. Paine grabs Youngblood. . . Sambo Suplex. . . Again he grabs Youngblood. . . Half Nelson Suplex. . . Again. . . Exploder. . . Cradle Suplex. . . Chicken Wing Suplex)
SSC: What a series of moves!! Cover! One...two....no kick out!
(Paine starting to yell at the referee. Again he fails to notice the third person. Luni gets up and chop blocks Paine. )
MC: Luni, leave off Paine. I got to much money at stake!
SSC: Still surprised Youngblood kicked out after five suplexes.
( Luni jumps up onto the turn buckles. . . Leg Drop across Paine's neck. He jumps onto the top rope. . . moonsault!)
SSC: One.......Two.......no......Paine kicks out after two!
(Luni tries to lift Paine up for a suplex but his injured arm gives out and he drops Paine. Paine takes advantage and...COBRA CLUTCH SUPLEX! He is signaling to the crowd for to finish off Luni...again he lets his emotions cloud his thinking. Youngblood with an inverted DDT on Paine. Youngblood taking Paine up to.. . . no, Paine throws Youngblood off and onto the ref. Paine now going up for a high risk
move. . . no, Luni hits Paine in the back with a steel chair. Paine drops like a rock onto the mat. Luni gets into the ring with the steel chair. He looks at the ref and pushes him out of the ring.)
SSC: What is he up to?
(Luni puts the chair on Paine's face. . . he just stomped on the chair. Again he stomps on the chair. . .
Again. . . . Again. . . . Again. . . . blood can be seen from under the chair. Luni going up top. He jumps off the top rope going for another stomp. . . no, Youngblood drops kicks him out of mid air. The impact of the drop kick sends Luni out of the ring. Youngblood chases after Luni. Money shot to the outside onto Luni!
Youngblood looking under the ring. . . . he pulls out a table. Luni now on top of the table. Youngblood on the top rope. . . . Bad Intentions through the table on Luni.)
SSC: Oh god! I think candy man just got cracked.
(Youngblood rolls Luni into the ring. He then tries to jump over the top rope intot he ring but Paine catches him with a chair shot. Paine drops the chair and picks Youngblood up. . . . inverted DDT on the chair! He doesn't let go and hocks on The Breakdown! Youngblood is out cold. The ref sees it and asks for the bell to ring.)
SSC: What a match! Paine was spectacular in that match, but was very lucky to get by the outstanding and surprising Luni. Luni certainly gave Paine all he could handle.
MC: What did I tell you? Paine was incredibly impressive and will continue to show all these mindless sheep what a real wrestler looks like. I'm two for two, who's next to make a fool out of their opponent?
SSC: Actually, nobody for now. Ryan Stevens has asked for some time to voice his opinions here in front of the ShawPlex crowd, so we have, in our infinite wisdom, given it to him. Without further banter, here is Ryan Stevens
(The bassline from "Testify" by Rage Against The Machine begins playing as the lights in the arena dim low. The crowd begins buzzing when...*BOOM* "UHHH!" Red and blue pyro shoot around the entranceway as Ryan Stevens steps through the curtains to the entrance. The crowd, while loud, is mixed between cheering and booing, with the booes slightly winning out. Stevens slowly walks to the ring, ignoring the fans around him, exept to argue with one particularly voracious fan at ringside. Stevens listens to the fan shout and threaten him, then laughs and contiinues his walk towards the ring. Stevens climbs in the ring and more pyro shoots out of the ringposts as Stevens raises his arms as if to soak in the crowd reaction. Stevens pulls a microphone out of the pocket of his warmup jacket, and the lights raise
back to full as Stevens begins addressing the crowd.)
STEVENS: Well, well, well, this is the Mothership. Feels like home!
(The crowd pops for the cheap heat.)
STEVENS: That is, if home is a cardboard box in the middle of Fargo.
(And, as quickly, the heat and the crowd turns on Stevens. Surprise, surprise.)
STEVENS: Now, let's get down to business. Tonight, 24 men will vie for the SEWF Heavyweight Championship. And as you... people should know, I am one of these 24 men. Here's my question to the other 23 people in this tournament.
(Stevens chuckles to himself a bit.)
STEVENS: Do you really have what it takes to go the distance? I know I do. I made it in this business wrestling 2, 3, 4 matches a night. And tonight, the man that walks out of this box will win 4 matches. I know I can do it. I have no doubt in my mind that I can do it. Is that doubt sinking in for the rest of you? Are you getting those butterflies in your stomach? Don't worry about it, cause 22 of you won't have to worry about going in there 4 times tonight. And I won't have to worry, cause I already KNOW I'm going to be there.
(The crowd does not take to this arrogance very well, and Stevens is showered with booes, and quite possibly booze as a cup hits Stevens in the shoulder.)
STEVENS: So, let's look at my first roadblocks. Blackheart and Simon Southward.
(Stevens finally notices the dripping liquid on his jacket. With a look of disdain, he takes his jacket off, shakes it dry, then puts it back on.)
STEVENS: Simon Southward, we've gone up and down the road so many times that I know what you're all about, and you know what I'm all about. We ran together calling ourselves the Dark Carnival, and we held just about every title at the other gig. That was then... this is now.
(Stevens pauses for a moment.)
STEVENS: Tonight, Simon, it's gonna be about the prize. Not about our frriendship, not about loyalty, not about respect. Just me, you, and Blackheart going at each others' throats for a shot at the SEWF Heavyweight Championship. Just don't feel so bad as to not cheer me on after I win, buddy.
(Bad news for Stevens, as the rabid crowd heat has died down a bit to a dull roar of hatred.)
STEVENS: And as for you, Blackheart... screw the fans is the right attitude. These idiots don't win matches for you. Hell, the 43rd Airborne couldn't win matches for you. But there is one thing these people do for you that they don't do for me. They distract you, Blackheart. You want to please the downtrodden, the destitute, the fallen souls, and looking at this crowd out here tonight, I think we've got a lot of the downtrodden here.
(And Stevens pauses to let the last line sink into the crowd, and... yep, there's the boobirds again in full force.)
STEVENS: So Blackheart, you'll be right at home tonight, with the fans that you want to impress. As for me... I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANY OF YOU. You all are simply background noise to my symphony of success. And at the end of the tournament tonight, your disgust at my victory and my reign as SEWF Heavyweight Champion will subside, and you all will realize that it had to happen all along.
(The crowd definitely does not like Steven's vision of the end of the night, and continues to pound Stevens with jeering.)
STEVENS: Cause at the end of the night, you all will realize that respect isn't earned. Friendship isn't earned. There's only one thing to earn tonight, SEWF, and I WILL EARN THE WORLD TITLE.
("Testify" blares out over the PA again as Stevens steps out of the ring through the ropes, hops down to the floor, and walks back to the back.)
SSC: Definitely some interesting comments from Ryan Stevens. I'll be looking forward to his match upcoming here tonight with Simon Southward and Blackheart as his opponents. However, before we get to that match, we've got a great one upcoming with Omega, Winter and Spookmaster.
MC: I think Omega may be legally insane after those promos of him talking to a chair wrapped in barbed wire, but I definitely like that guy. He's definitely gonna take that little pansy Winter to task with that nasty chair.
SSC: You will get your ass kicked before your SEWF run is over, Winter may the first of many to do it. Let's get down to the ring and Ryan Vaughn.
RV: First out in this match is man who is a little strange, a little difficult to read, a little nuts. He hails from Washington, D.C. He is OMEEEEEEEEGAAAAAAA!!!!
(The lights suddenly go out as a red and white strobe light hits the arena. Suddenly "The Next Episode" by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg starts to blare over the PA system. Then the Shaw-tron lights up with the words "BLOOD IS A VIRTUE". Suddenly Omega runs to the ring screaming like a mad man waving "Barb" high in the air. Omega slides into the ring and sits in the corner talking to "Barb" rocking back and forth...)
RV: Second out in this match is a man who has taken great pains to influence his opponents with as little conversation as possible. He hails from Atlanta, Georgia. He is SPOOOOOOOKMASTER!!!!
(The SEWF camera's focus on the entranceway of the Shawplex as the PA system begins to blare "Fade to Black" by Metallica. The fans get to their feet just in time to see Spooky emerge from the back wearing a blue cloak with chainmail clinging to his chest. The lights are flickering on and off at a rapid pace as this large man slowly makes his way to the ring. Spooky steps through the ropes and disrobes revealing a pair of blue and white spotted wrestling tights with black leather fringe flowing off the sides. He stands confidently in his corner waiting patiently for tonights other participants.)
RV: Last out in this much anticipated match is a man nearly no one understands. He is an enigma that will unfold partly here tonight. He is from Victoria, Texas, and he is WIIIIIIIINTER!!!!
(Suddenly....the lights go out completely and the only thing that can be seen is a picture of black thunder clouds on the screen as "Master of Puppets" by Metallica begins.)
End of passion play, crumbling away
I'm your source of self destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your death's construction
(On screen, a lightening bolt strikes the ground and a hand punches through the dirt.)
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
You're dedicated to
how I'm killing you
(The scene switches to a black horse charging through a green field with a black thunderstorm appearing ahead of him and a fire behind him.)
Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
your life burns faster
Obey your Master
(The scene then switches back to the hill where a second bolt of lightening strikes the hill and tears it asunder. A pair of hollow eyes appear in the dust and a man walks out of the scattered dust.)
Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
blinded by me, you can't see a thing
just call my name, cause I'll hear you scream
just call my name, cause I'll hear you scream
(The scene switches back to the black horse who is now running through a country village. As it runs the dirt road behind it splits open like and earthquake was hitting them. Ahead of it a tornado is wrecking the
village. The black horse just charges on through that as if it was nothing....charging on to it's black errand.)
Needlework the way, never you betray
life of death becoming clearer
pain monopoly, ritual misery
chop your breakfast on a mirror
(The scene switches yet again to the hollow man. He is now walking through a city. Each step he takes, people stop and look towards him. Each step he takes he begins to take on a new form. Each step he takes the city falls into a blacker shadow.)
Master, Master, where's the dreams that I've been after?
Master, Master, you promised only lies
Laughter, Laughter, all I hear and see is laughter
Laughter, Laughter, laughing at my cries
(Again the scene switches back to the black horse. It is now charging towards the city that the hollow man is in. With each step that it takes a lightening bolt strikes the ground around it. In it's wake a shadow blacker than night sweeps through.)
Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
just a rhyme without a reason
neverending maze, drift on numbered days
now your life is out of season
(The scene makes it's final change to the hollow man. He is now walking out of the city towards another hill. With each step taken the shadows swarm out of the city until the black horse finally comes into view. A bolt of lightening strikes both the horse and the hollow man. The two bolts strike towards each other and the shadows rush eagerly after them. They strike atop the hill and merge into one. The horse takes shape but the hollow man is no longer hollow. He is now wearing a black robe and sitting atop the horse. The horse rears up and the man raises his fist. The shadows swarm over them and begin taking the shapes of men and women. The music as well as the pictures on the screen fade out to evil laughter accompanying blood red letters appearing on the screen which read "Who is the puppet now?" The lights come on suddenly and Winter is standing in the very center of the ring with an evil glare in his eyes. He
immediately charge Spooky who is standing by the ropes. Spooky is quickly blasted with a forearm that takes him over the ropes and onto the ground below.)
SSC: Well, after that epic of a freakin intro, we finally have some action in the ring.
(Winter quickly turns his attention to Omega who has already cocked his arms back with the barbed wire and begun to run at his opponent. Winter lowers himself and gives a giant backbody drop sending Omega trashing directly into Spooky who has just made it to his feet. The two men crash into a collective heap as Winter flies off of the ropes and attempts a death defying suicide dive to the outside. Spooky and Omega each dive to opposite sides leaving the guardrail alone to take the brunt of Winters body.)
SSC: He's gonna feel this shot in the morning.
MC: Too bad Shaw isn't cheap enough to buy imitation steel.....
(Winter crashes hard into railing as Spooky and Omega begin to double team with random fists and stomps. Omega finally gets winter to his feet and whips him hard into the ring apron. Spooky then comes across with a hard left that immediately weakens Winter's legs. Winter is the rolled into the and as Omega
climbs the ropes Spooky pulls winter to his feet. Omega come off with a missle dropkick but Winter moves out of the way and Spooky takes it face first to the mat. Omega, not worrying about who he hits, begins taking turns stomping Winter and Spooky.)
SSC: Omega turning it on here!!!
( He picks Spooky up and throws him into the ropes...as he comes back to him Omega hits him with a Power Slam that almost crushes the ring. Omega's fists begin to fly as Winter stalks his prey from behind. He let's Omega get a few more chops in before running and nailing him from behind with a low dropkick to the back of the head.)
SSC: And that man's head is swimming right now folks.
(Winter, now on the offensive, picks up Omega DDT's him hard to the mat and takes the now limp body and roll him into an STF. Omega is kicking and writhing in pain as Spooky drops the elbow on Omega's extended arm and then starts kicking his exposed side. Winter releases the hold and the two men double suplex Omega hard into the mat. Spooky and Winter then toss Omega out of the ring and into a stack of chairs near the ring steps.)
SSC: Omega playing rag doll here....
(Winter signals for spooky to do some kind of diving maneuver off of the ropes. Spooky then bounces his large body off of the oppsite side of the ring and charges towards Omega's now bloody carcass. As soon as Spooky gets to the part of the ring he is to jump from Winter grabs him by the throat and uses his momentum to toss him over the ropes and into the timekeepers table.)
(Spooky crashes through the table in a disgusting display of power by Winter and just folds in half. Winter
then hurls himself to the top rope and performs a corkscrew plancha on Omega. Omega, however, catches Winter in midair with a chair directly to the face. The chair bounces off of Winters skull and back into Omega causing all three men to be laid out on the outside. The referree begins his count and gets to seven before Omega and Winter start pulling themselves up.)
SSC: Lucky those two got up or this match was history.
(Spooky, who is now has a gash running from the bottom of his cheek up to the top of his ear is merely rolling around on the concrete. Winter and Omega start trading blows back and forth with Omega getting the best of Winter and forcing him into the announcers table. Omega then attempts an irish whip on Winter, but it is reversed and Omega is sent headfirst into the stairs.)
SSC: Omega is simply getting smacked around down here. How much more of this can he take?
(Winter quickly runs over and picks up the steel chairs. He then tucks it under his arm as best he can and climbs up to the ring apron. He positions himself just right and takes three steps on the apron with the last step sending him off into the air, crashing hard onto Omega's body with the Stairs being the middle of this
bloody sandwich of pain. The not only appears to have knocked Omega clean out but Winter rolled off after impact clutching his ribcage. Spooky now has begun to get to his feet keeping the referee from making the ten count.)
SSC: This match has certainly taken its toll on all combants....
MC: Pansies....
(He walks over to Omega and drags him up by his hair and tosses him into the ring. Spooky then crawls on top of Omega for the count......)
SSC: ONE..........TWO....TH......Winter grabs Spooky's legs and pulls him to the outside of the ring.
(Winter lifts spooky high above his head and lets him drop hard over the guardrail. He then grabs him from behind and delivers a german suplex. Winter, unexpectadly placed the suplex so well, that on impact Spooky's head landed square on the timekeepers bell which had been tossed to the ground after the table had been broken. Winter gets to his feet and turns around just intime to see Omega do a backflip off of the
top rope, BARBED WIRE IN HAND, and slam hard into Winter.)
(Omega then starts scratching up the chest and stomach of Winter as Spooky crawls over to the announcers table to pull himself up. Winter, going on instinct at this point, digs his thumb into Omega's eyes and starts biting at his face and ears. Omega tries to squirm away from the bites only to give Winter the leverage needed to roll himself ontop of Omega. Winter looks to his left quickly and grabs the bloody ring bell. He then beings clocking Omega with it hard and fast....CLANG....CLANG...CLANG...CLANG....)
(Four times hard and Omega's now blood soaked Head and Body lay motionless below Winter. Winter then drags himself to his feet and looks to the ring where Spooky has made it into. Spooky is facing the opposite direction and is trying to get the turnbuckle pad off of the turnbuckle. As he struggles with the pad Winter sneaks under the ring ropes and slowly marches over to his opponent. Just as Spooky rips
the pad off and tosses it to the ground outside Winter grabs him by the back of his head and repeatedly pouns his face into the exposed metal rod.)
SSC: Someone needs to stop this guy, this is not right.
(Over and over and over, with Spooky's legs buckeling more with each impact. Finally Spooky has turned into deadweight and dropped to his knees. Winter then, with the most horrific expression of pain, anger, and madness painted in blood on his face lifts up this broken man and delivers an Arabian facebuster called the SABER STRIKE!!!!!!!! Spooky his the mat hard.)
SSC: Winter rolls him over for the count as Omega gets to his feet.......ONE.......Omega starts flailing towards the ring.........TWO..........Omega slips under the ring ropes..........THE THR..NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! OMEGA BREAKS IT UP JUST IN TIME!!!!
(Omega quickly up to his feet and throws Winter out of the ring. He lifts up Spookmaster in rack position and drops him down in an inverted neckbreaker!!!!)
SSC: Winter picks up Omega with lefts and rights to the head. He whips him in but Omega holds on and slides out of the ring. Great win for Omega!!!!!
MC: Lucky bastard....
SSC: A great showing from all three men and....wait...we've got something going on in the back, let's get a camera on back there.....
(Cut to the backstage where we see Ray Hagan walking down the hallway with the original SEWF title slung over one shoulder.)
SSC: That's Hagan, he must be here to scout out some talent. And wait a minute....
(Jay Lange emerges from a side hallway with a chair in hand. He smirks a bit and absolutely plasters Hagan with a swinging chair shot!)
SSC: Lange has attacked Hagan with a vengence!
Jay Lange: You say the title belongs to you, huh? Not that easy, old buddy. I don't know about the rest of these guys, but I plan on EARNING the title sooner or later. Hopefully sooner. You want to come in here and claim a title without working for it? One match is NOT enough. So I'm making you a promise. If I win that tournament, you WILL have to go through me, and if you beat me, rest assured, I'll make sure you EARNED that title... and if someone else gets to you before I do.... Hell, he beat me, he MUST be good himself.
You've been warned, Ray.
SSC: Apparently, Lange took exception to Hagan proclaiming himself SEWF champion in this new era of SEWF wrestling. He certainly made his feelings known to Hagan.
MC: Simply said, Lange is bad ass, but Hagan would wipe the mat with that bastard. Seriously, he has the cajones to go after SEWF WORLD CHAMPION Ray Hagan? That man needs a reality check. His opinion does not matter in the least.
SSC: Hagan has certainly not endeared himself to anyone here in the SEWF with his title claim. It's possibleLange will not be the last one to take a shot at Hagan because of his comments. At any rate, we need to move on to another action packed match here on the Mothership. Next up on the format is Silky Slim vs. "Violent" Vic Valence vs. Brett Mondonno. I'd say it's an interesting mix of talent in this match.
MC: Mondonno is seriously the only man worth a damn in this match. Valence calls himself the Superbeast? What a chump. Then we got this Slim guy throwing panties around and defending his name. This match is Brett's for sure.
SSC: Well, that's why they wrestle the match. Let's get down to the ring.
RV: First out in this match is a man who calls himself the Superbeast. He looks to unleash a little beast on his opponents in this match. He hails out of Greenvile, South Carolina. He is "VIOLENT" VIC VAAAAAAAALENCE!!!!
(Valence and his 6'7'' frame come walking out of the entryway and looks to the stands around him. An explosion sounds and he walks intently to the wing and swings up into the ring.)
RV: Next out in this match is a man who has been around the block a few times and looks to make a brand new impression here in the SEWF. Here he is, BRETT MONDONNNNNNNNNNO!!!
(Mondonno trots out of the entryway with no regard for his surroundings. He stalks to the ring and rolls in, immediately having words with Valence.)
RV: Finally, the last man out in this match made quite an impact on the Grand Opening Gala, taking his boots to one Jarred Matthews. He hails from Ithaca, New York. He is SILKY SLIIIIIIIIIIM!!!!
(The camera fades out as bright beams of dark blue and yellow start flashing around the ring. As the two beams intersect they project a radiant beam of green just as "I" by Taproot begins to blare in the background. As the heavy melodies fill the arena we see Silky Slim emerge from the back, wearing a smirkish grin. Aside from the grin he has on a pair of Black wrestling tights with a thick red stripe down the left leg. Inside the stripe in silver lettering is the word "Smooth".)
(Silky Slim grabs a microphone and begins posturing for the crowd. Both of his opponents look towards the crowd as if to get them booing Slim. Slim begins...)
Silky Slim: You are all probably waiting for something quite witty and maybe even amusing from me this evening....well...how's this.....
(With that he charges at Vic and spears the back of his legs taking the big man down with one swift move. He is quickly to his feet to charge at the stunned Modonno and crashes into his head full force with the microphone taking him to the mat as well......)
SSC: Guns ablazin' by Silky Slim, a smart move to get an early start on the action in this match.
(Slim up with both men down and Slim goes after Valence first, kicking him a few times in the head while he's face down on the mat. Slim jumps on the second turnbuckle and drops a knee across the back of Valence's head. Mondonno is up and Slim kicks him in the gut and turns Mondonno around to drop him with a nasty reverse neckbreaker.)
SSC: Slim clearly on top in this one, he's taking it to both opponents.
MC: Mondonno is just playing opossum, he'll get in there.
(Slim picks Mondonno up by the hair and whips him into the turnbuckle. He runs in and splashes Mondonno in the corner. He turns around to look out at the fans, but the Superbeast is up and runs in to splash Slim! Valence throws Slim by his hair out of the corner and begins to pound on Mondonno with lefts and rights. Valence grabs Mondonno, pulls him a little out of the corner and huge exploder suplex!!!!)
SSC: What a move by the big man!!! What power!!!
MC: Ogre.
(Valence turns his attention to the fallen Slim, but low blow buckles the big man over. Slim is up and hits the ropes to drop kick Valence in the back of the knees, sending the man down. Valence in pain on the mat but Slim concentrates his boots on the legs of Valence, keeping him there. Slim turns his attention to Mondonno for a moment and whips him into the ropes. Mondonno ducks a clothesline but can't duck a shoulder block from Slim. Slim picks up Mondonno and throws him outside the ring. He hits the opposite ropes and flies over the top rope into a senton on the fallen Mondonno!!!!!!)
(Slim and Mondonno are both in pain on the ground outside. Valence is back up inside the ring and steps outside of the ring. He hops down and grabs a hold of Silky Slim and rolls him back into the ring. Valence whips Slim in off the ropes and picks him up in a gorilla press slam position. He circles the ring one time and drops him nastily with a front powerslam.)
SSC: Valence is certainly using his power to his advantage here tonight. Slim may just be outmanned.
MC: Get up Brett!! Get up!!
(Brett does indeed get up and rolls himself slowly back into the ring. With Slim down, Valence turns his attention to the rolling in Mondonno with a couple of nasty boots to the side of Brett. Valence picks him up and blasts him with a nasty wheelbarrow suplex! Mondonno is down and hurt, and Valence now puts him in the Kataha-jime.)
SSC: With Slim down and Mondonno hurt, I think this is a great move by VVV to put Mondonno in a submission to maybe grab this win.
MC: Ogre.
(Mondonno is straining in pain but Slim is slowly getting to his feet, so Valence must drop the hold to turn his attention back to Slim. Valence whips Slim into the ropes, but Slim ducks a back elbow and flies at Valence, taking him down with a nasty flying fist. Valence stumbles backwards but doesn't fall. Slim quickly hops on top of the top turnbuckle and comes off with a missile dropkick, sending Valence flying backwards. Mondonno is lying right there and takes advantage with a small package!!)
SSC: 1.........2........NO!!! Valence is able to escape the pin.
MC: Ogre.
(Slim is up and takes the boots to both men, trading off with each blow. He slowly rolls Mondonno out of the ring once again and drops down himself. He whips Mondonno into the guardrail where Brett takes a nasty shot to the ribs. Mondonno writhes in pain but Slim rushes at Brett, only to get vaulted in a big back body drop, sending Slim into the crowd!!!)
SSC: That's the price of admission here at the ShawPlex folks!!
MC: See, this is why we don't need fans here in the SEWF. They just clutter the place up, get their asses out of here.
SSC: The tickets they buy pay for your salary, Magnus....
MC: PACK EM IN!!! I see a little daylight up at the top there, sell more tickets, geezus. Shaw is definitely not selling up to his potential!
SSC: You are incomparable.
(With Slim in the crowd, he finds that not a great place to be and tumbles back over the guardrail. Mondonno is now up on the ring apron but Valence sees him and hammer him in the back of the head. Mondonno stumbles off the apron and as he falls, Slim grabs a nearby chair and plasters him in the face with it!!)
SSC: That may just do it for Mondonno in this match.....
MC: My man will bounce back, no problem.
(Slim drops the chair on top of the fallen Mondonno and hops up on the ring apron. Valence charges but Slim plants a shoulder into his stomach through the ropes. Valence is hunched over and Slim grabs his head. He pulls it across the ropes and drops down, sending Valence's throat crashing into the top rope. Valence reels back and falls. Slim leaps on top of the top rope, steadies himself....and drops slowling in a diving headbutt!!!!)
SSC: What a move!!! Here's the cover......one.......two......thr...NO!!!! Valence barely escaped from that one.
(Slim is feeling the affects of the headbutt still and takes a good amount of time to get up to his feet. Valence is up to one knee and Slim hits the side ropes to nail Valence square in the jaw with a dropkick!!!)
SSC: Another cover......one......two......thr...NO! Valence again barely rolls the shoulder. This can't go in if VVV has an intent on staying in this tournament.
(Mondonno is now back on the ring apron but Slim gives him a back elbow as he hits the ropes. Mondonno goes flying into the guardrail where he hits his jaw and goes down. Slim off the ropes and straight into a huge foot from Valence to the gut of Slim. Slim hunched over and the big man drops him with a big DDT!)
SSC: Great move from the big man....cover....one......two.......t..NO, Slim out of the pin by Valence.
MC: Og--
SSC: I said SHUT UP.
(Valence picks up Slim and puts his head between his legs...)
SSC: This could be it!!! Valence is setting up for the Violent Dream!!!
(Valence raises his hand and looks at the crowd but Slim lowers his head just so and.....)
(Valence doubled over in pain and Slim grabs him by the hair, runs toward the turnbuckle and....)
(Slim takes a look to the outside where Mondonno is still writhing in pain and waves a finger at the crowd. He refuses to cover Valence and puts Valence in the STF!!! Valence yells in pain!!!!)
SSC: I don't know if Valence can take this!!! The STF is Slim's specialty!!!
MC: Mondonno is still gonna school all these chumps....
SSC: Mondonno is schooling the mats around the ring right now. Valence still in the hold but he's waving his hand no!! What endurance by Valence!! The big man will NOT give in!!!
(Slim's face grimaces as he pulls intently on the painful STF and Valence's protests are slowing gradually. He has now ceased in movement and the referee has raised his hand to check if he's out.)
SSC: The hand has dropped....that's one. This could be it for Valence....the hand drops again...that's two. The crowd is solidly behind Valence in this one and they're chanting for him to get up!! The ref has lifted the hand a third time......he drops it......and NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! THERE IS LIFE IN THE BIG MAN!!!
MC: I don't care what you say, he's an ogre, and he'll get his yet tonight....
(Slim lets go of the hold in frustration and gets back up to stomp Valence in the back. Mondonno is back up and in the ring! He taps Slim on the shoulder and as Slim turns around, he gets Russian leg sweep for his trouble!! Valence in turn grabs a hold of Mondonno and slaps him in chokeslam position!! Mondonno up for the ride......and DOWN!!!)
SSC: Valence with a cover after the big choke slam.....one......two.....NO...Mondonno has some gas left in the tank.
(Slim rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. He stands back to the ring. Valence turns around and goes to pull him back into the ring only to receive a face full of steel!!!!)
(Slim hops up on the apron and executes a slingshot legdrop on to the fallen Valence...)
MC: The ogre got what was coming to him.
SSC: Mondonno eh Colby?
MC: The man was freakin robbed. Slim has nothing on that guy and will definitely pay for this gross injustice sometime down the road.
SSC: Slim was definitely impressive, but the rookie Valence I think will make waves here in the SEWF. He certainly looked good in that match.
MC: Valence is a hack. The veterans around this place like Hagan and Mondonno are going to eat him alive. He'll be lucky to make it past undercard. The man is simply a nobody.
SSC: Valence will be a star, mark my words. I'm told that we have a situation in the back with one Burt Clifton. Apparently he's trying to make...friends with someone??
(We see Clifton in the back walking through the hallway, seeing Jack Paine. He walks up to Paine and taps him on the shoulder.)
Burt Clifton: Hey, um, my name is Burt and I just thought I'd introduce myself. It's nice to meet you.
Jack Paine: Boy, look at me when you're talking to me. Now I don't know or care who you are, but you better get out of my way before I have to make my own way.
Burt Clifton: Hey, I'm sorry, I just thought it'd be nice to, you know, introduce myself to everyone here in the SEWF. We are kind of like a family now...
Jack Paine: I don't know what kind of family you're talking about, but if we were in the same one, you're so stupid you'd be picking up women at the family reunion. Now get out of here before we have a little "domestic disturbance."
Burt Clifton: I'm sorry, I was just try--
Jack Paine: I said GET OUT OF HERE....
(Paine shoves Clifton out of the way and brushes by him rudely.)
Burt Clifton: I was trying to introduce myself.....
(Cut back to the broadcast location.)
SSC: I feel bad for that guy, ya know. I mean his social skills aren't quite top notch, but that doesn't mean Paine has the right to rough him up like that.
MC: It's simply survival of the fittest man, and Clifton is going to get exterminated, just like that stupid bald eagle. Stupid animal, always flying around, bothering people...yeesh.
SSC: Magnus, you're a moron. First of all, bald eagles aren't extinct and second of all, they don't bother people. Geezus man, you're gonna get fired like nobody's business. But, on a more important note, we've got a great match coming up, Wyatt Wallace vs. Andrew Krumm vs. Sean "Playboy" Seanoski.
MC: I've got Shanoski big time in this match. He's proven he can take both Wallace and Krumm with two hands tied behind his back. Shanoski is the future of the SEWF, nuff' said. This one doesn't even need to be wrestled, just give Shanoski the tourney win, save our time...
SSC: Ya know we get paid for overtime...
MC: This is going to be an epic battle folks. I can see this one going back and forth and back and forth and back and fo--
SSC: Shut up. Let's get down to the ring.....
RV: The next match is scheduled for one fall and is round one in the SEWF World Championship tournament! Introducing first, from Ridgewood, Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 280 pounds...ANDREW KRUUUUUUUUUUUMM!
(All the lights in the arena go out. and red, gold, and white spotlightslace the arena, almost like searchlights. Pharoahe Monch's "Simon Says(remix)" blasts over the speakers in the arena, sending the crowd intoa frenzy. Pyrotechnics that look like fire go off, as "The Riot Starter"Andrew emerges from behind the curtain, arms high in the air, and baseball bat in hand. Krumm approaches the ring, shaking fans hands and playing up to the crowd.... Once at ringside, Andrew slides under the bottom rope, awaiting the beginningof the match.)
RV: His opponent, from Syracuse, New York, weighing in at 273 pounds...got punked out by Wyatt Wallace on the gala. He is here for some revenge. He is "PLAYBOY" SEAN SHANOOOOOOOOOSKI!
("Sober" by Tool hits to a decidedly mixed reaction from the crowd. The Playboy steps out from the curtain, his black pants and black trench coat donned. He removes the trench coat, and his various pieces of jewelery before handing them to the referee and waiting for the final opponent.)
RV: Their opponent, fighting out of Cleveland, Ohio, coming in at 245 pounds...looking to continue the rampage he started earlier in the week. Here is WYATT WALLLLLLLLLLLLACE!
("Sleep Now In The Fire" hits as Wyatt Wallace walks out, causing a giant uproar of cheers throughout the crowd. Wallace wears his green and black trunks and his black pads as well before slowly making hisway to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and looking at his opponents before exploding hitting the ropes and propelling himself forward witha vertical body press!)
SSC: Oh my God! Wallace surprising both his opponents right off the bat with a great offensive move.
(Leaving Krumm for now, Wallace goes after the Playboy going off the second rope for a legdrop and following it up with a few stomps to the head. Wallace hauls him up, grabbing in a waist lock...German suplex by the Wyatt.)
SSC: Bridges for the pin! One...kickout by the Playboy.
MC: Still WAY too early to be looking for the pin here.
(Both Wallace and Shanoski getting up slowly, but Krumm comes in and levels both men with a clothesline. Stomping away on both men Krumm"helps" up Wallace, whipping him into the ropes and grabbing him for a SHARP tilt-a-whirl stomach breaker on the return. He goes after Shanoski this time, picking him up and dropping him with a dragon screw leg whip…)
SSC: NO! Krumm whips that leg around all the way over to the other side of his body and tucks it in for a sidewalk slam!
MC: AMAZING move by Krumm. Grabbing a firm upper hand in this match now....not as af it's going to matter....
(Krumm stomps on Wallace a few times, and whips him in the direction of the downed Playboy, Wallace jumps over him both ways Krumm goes for a dropkick aimed to the airborne Wallace's chin...NO! Wallace grounds himself and slides underneath the dropkick leaving Krumm to land on the hard canvas! Wallace scales the ropes, turning to face the downed Krumm....)
SSC: 450 Splash by Walace! One......Two...Shanoski breaking up the pin!
MC: I still think Krumm would have kicked out. It's still a bit too early in this match to think anyone will have a serious chance to get the three count. And you, like a moron, were surprised when Shanoski brokeup the pin.
(Shanoski picks up Wallace, bringing him RIGHT down again with a stiff DDT. A few boots to Wyatt before catching the charging Krumm with a BIG boot to the face followed up by a stiff lariat that almost turns Krumm inside out! Wallace making his way to his feet, northern lights suplex for him! And a bridge!)
SSC: One......two......th-kickout by Wyatt still a bit too much left inthe little man's tank.
MC: Though not for long.....
(Wyatt dragged up again, hauled up for a power bomb, NO! Wallace reverses it into a hurrucunrana, Krumm again charging, this time at Wallace, back body drop delivered to Andrew. Krumm going up again, split legged moonsault on Shanoski!)
SSC: One......two......two and three quarters before Krumm manages to break up the count!
MC: I'm surprised he pulled through to haul Wallace off that one.
(All three men slowly up, with Wallace being the first one to his feet,he and Krumm lock arms, charging at the Playboy with a double lariat. But Shanoski manages to clothesline each of them! And all three men again are down!)
SSC: Ref going with the standard ten count, and these men have taken a beating, I wouldn't look down on any one of them if they didn't get up.
MC: I would, they'd be little pussies in my book., besides Sean will get up.
SSC: You're a little pussy in your own book, so it doesn't really matter who else is in it, now does it?
MC: (growl.)
SSC: The count is already at three and no one has moved yet.
(Four......Five......Six......Wait! Wallace is beginning to move, so is Krumm! Seven......Now the Playboy is, too! And Wallace is on his knees! Eight......Wallace on his feet, Krumm there, too...full nelson slam on Krumm! Nine......Shanoski finally on his feet, but leaning over slightly....)
MC: Damn.
SSC: Can I say ouch for Shanoski? Poor guy got Blinded big time. Hopefully he'll rebound but it seems that Axel Reed is on the hunt for him, so no rest for Shanoski.
MC: I dunno, that'll be a good match, I'm torn between the seasoned Reed and the spectacular Shanoski, we'll see then.
SSC: We will indeed and a great win for Wallace. I think he's gonna go far in this tournament. We'll have the next round of the tourney posted shortly after we're done here tonight, with a couple other great matches mixed in, so be sure to check the official SEWF web site at http://ewrestling.itgo.com/ You'll be glad ya did.
MC: Shill
SSC: Bitch. No on to our next match, we've got big name Lange to tango with. First, however, Chase Michaels is in the back to give a few pre-match comments to our own Matt Hammer, Matt?
(Cut to Matt in the back by the SEWF banner.)
Matt Hammer: Thank you, Ben. I'm here with "X-Man" Chase Michaels. Now, Chase, you're a new face to many of the fans out there. Why don't you tell us about yourself?
Michaels: Well, Matt, I---
SSC: Somebody's attacking Michaels!
MC: It's Axel Reed! He's tearing into Michaels!
SSC: He's picking him up... OH MY GOD! A spinning Implant DDT onto the concrete in the back!
MC: He calls that the Straight to Hell DDT, and I don't see Michaels moving at all!
SSC: Can we get some paramedics out there, please? Dear God.
MC: Axel Reed has attacked this young newcomer. I love this guy.
Reed: Heed the creed. Bitch.
SSC: That was uncalled for. Axel Reed is a sick, sick man.
MC: It looks like they've gotten Reed out of the area, and the paramedics are trying to keep his neck stable. That was AWESOME.
SSC: I still haven't seen Michaels move yet.
MC: They've got him in the neckbrace, they're loading him onto the stretcher...
SSC: We may have seen the end of this newcomer.
MC: All thanks to Axel Reed.
SSC: It seems this match has just ecome a one on one contest folks! We've got Jarred Matthews vs. Jay Lange and it's happening now!!
RV: Introducing first, from JapanTown... He weighs in at 215 pounds. He is a master of both the martial arts, as well as the technical mastery of the ring. He is "WILDHORSE..." JAY...LAAAAAAAANGE!
(Lange walks out of the entrway with Midori on one arm. He smiles at the reception of the ShawPlex and strides slowly to the ring. He walks up the ring steps and lifts the rope for Midori to enter. The two are in the middle of the ring and await Jarred.)
RV: And now, from Phoenix, Arizona... he weighs in at 213 pounds. He's made splashes everywhere he's gone, and he looks to do the same in SEWF. This is... JARRED... MATTHEWS!
(Jarred is running out of the entryway as a little pyro goes off in the background. He slides in and mounts a turnbuckle as the crowd gives him a decent pop. He turns and faces Lange..)
SSC: This should be a good match, both of these men are trained in the martial arts. Both of these men are close to the same height and weight.
(Collar-and-elbow tie-up. Matthews comes out with the advantage, pushing Lange to the corner. The ref orders a break, and Matthews does so cleanly. Another tie-up. Lange with the advantage this time, pushing Matthews to the corner. Ref ordering another break. Lange doesn't break cleanly! He caught Matthews across the chest with a wicked chop!)
SSC: And there are the woooooooos. But I think Matthews has a little pay back in mind.
(Matthews returning the favor! Trading chops now! Whip to the ropes by Lange. Matthews ducks under a roundhouse kick. Matthews to the rebound. Spinning heel kick, but Lange sidesteps! Matthews back up. Dropkick sends Lange to the outside. Matthews is full of engery, wasting no time now. Running towards the ropes now, jumps on top of them...)
SSC: Spaceman Plancha! Air Matthews is in for a landing, and takes Jay Lange down!
MC: Come on Lange, get up!!!
(Matthews now, backing Lange up against the railing. A series of martial arts kicks to the stomach of Lange! Matthews is pulling Lange up. Another thrust kick to the stomach of Lange--- no! Lange caught his foot! Matthews counters with an enzuigiri, but Lange ducks! He's pulling Matthews back up. Swinging neckbreaker on Jarred Matthews!)
MC: Matthews has to be hurting now, Steve. My boy Lange is gonna wrap this one up.
(Rolling Matthews back into the ring now. He's pulling Matthews to his feet. I think Lange is showing some ringrust from his time off, but he's fared well for himself thus far. Series of kicks to the stomach! Legsweep by Lange, but Matthews jumpsover the leg! Jumping side-kick to the head by Matthews, sends Lange down. Matthews pulling him up, whip to the turnbuckles, but Lange reverses it. Matthews hits the buckles hard!)
SSC: What a back and forth battle!! Here comes Lange.....
(Lange charging in with a lariat, but Matthews catches him with the feet. Matthews mounting the turnbuckles while Lange is stunned. Wait, no,Lange is back up. Matthews is on the top. Savate kick by Jay Lange to the knee of Matthews! Matthews lost balance and landed up on the top turnbuckle! Lange climbing the turnbuckles too. Top Rope Hurricanrana coming up!)
SSC: OH MY GOD! Matthews reversed it into a swinging DDT in MID-AIR!!! WHAT A MOVE!!!
MC: That's nothing. When I was 4 years old, I used to hit middle aged men with sentons all the time...
SSC: When you were 4, the bear cubs were still nursing you. Shut up.
(That took a lot out of both men, but especially Jay Lange. Matthews is crawling back to his feet. Back to the top turnbuckles... Matthews. Lange is still down. Matthews from the top, extends a kick! Top-Rope Corkscrew Legdrop! Lange rolled out of the way!)
SSC: And the canvas was not inviting....
(Both men down again. Lange getting back up. Matthews slowly getting to his feet, as well. Matthews and Lange back up, opposite sides of the ring. Matthews off the turnbuckles. Lange back-body drops him over the top rope!)
SSC: It was only a matter of time till this spilled outside....wait a minute...Matthews landed on the apron on his feet!
(Turning Lange around, and drops the throat across the top rope!)
SSC: This has been quite a match, and what's Matthews doing? He's going tothe crowd!
MC: He's got a chair, and he's climbing back into the ring with it. This Jarred guy is starting to grow oon me...
(Matthews is getting ready to put this one away. Lange is up, Matthews throws him the chair. Lange catches it! Lange ducks the spinning heel kick. Throws the chair back to Matthews! Savate kick to the chair by Lange connects the chair to the face of Matthews!)
SSC: Moral of the story, don't catch the damn chair.
(The ref's going to allow that, it seems. Lange picking him back up. Full nelson by Lange. He's running towards the turnbuckles....)
MC: Phew, $50 more dollars.
SSC: I gotta say, Lange looked damn good in that one, and try to stop betting on the matches.
MC: Lange is a whore. Jarred Matthews should have wiped the mat with that guy. There was a fast count, Lange used the ropes, locusts, there were locusts, it's a conspiracy!
SSC: You make less sense than Musty Rhodes, geez. Five minutes ago you were praising Lange.
MC: (whisper) Trying to make that whole betting thing look better.....
SSC: Damn man.... Let's talk about the next match here tonight, Simon Southward vs. Ryan Stevens vs. Blackheart. This has been one of the most highly anticipated matches tonight and it's only fitting it's just about the main event. This one is simply too close to call I think.
MC: It's close, sure, but Blackheart has that little extra something that's gonna put him over the top. He's got, I dunno, pizazz.
SSC: And you've got a brain the size of a mustard seed. It seems Matt Hammer has caught up with Simon Southward to get a few quick comments before his match, Matt?
(Backstage, in front of the SEWF banner, Matt Hammer is standing with Simon Southward. Southward is obviously ready for his three-way dance, as he's in his wrestling gear - black and yellow pleather pants with yellow "flames" encircling the legs, black boots, black elbowpads, and topped off with sunglasses.)
MATT HAMMER: Simon Southward, in just a few minutes, you'll step into the ring in the first round of the SEWF World heavyweight title tournament. It'll be a three-way dance consisting of you, your old friend Ryan Stevens, and Blackheart. What're your thoughts on this match, and what'll your strategy be going into the match?
(Southward looks up and laughs.)
SIMON SOUTHWARD: Well, first off, if you think I'm going to give you my strategy in this three-way dance, then you need to grow back some of that hair on your head, Matt, because your brain is apparently catching cold. You, the fans out there in the arena, the fans watching the SEWF out there in TV land, and especially Blackheart and Ryan Stevens will find out my strategy in just a few minutes.
(Southward continues speaking as the fans laugh a bit.)
SOUTHWARD: Now, as for my thoughts on Blackheart and Stevens, I'll be glad to give you those, Matt. First off, we'll start with what I consider an unknown quantity, this Blackheart character. He seems impressive enough. 6 foot 4, dresses in black, comes to the ring all full of fire, wanting to prove himself. That's an admirable goal, Blackie, and one that I share with you.
(Southward nods.)
SOUTHWARD: You do seem to need a bit of an attitude adjustment, though. You seem a bit mad at the world. You're fighting for all the black hearts. All the shunned people. Well, for quite a while, I was one of those people, and lemme tell you, it ain't no picnic. You need to cheer up a bit, my man. Stop and smell the roses. And, oh, about pleasing the fans and the promoters and all..it might be a good idea to do that, considering they pay your salary. You can start tonight in that ring out there against me.
HAMMER: What about your former partner, Ryan Stevens?
SOUTHWARD: Ryan Stevens..y'know, Matt, I had a chance to listen to what he said on the Gala, and quite frankly, it worries me just a bit. Y'see, for those know me and Ryan, they know that we've been together for a while, we've hung and we've bung..
HAMMER (confused): Hung and bung?
SOUTHWARD: The past tense of hanging and banging. Anyway, we've rode the rails together, and i've been kind enough to show him a thing or two about wrestling. However, it seems he learned the lessons I taught him pretty well, which is both good and bad. He learned how to be a good wrestler..change that, he learned how to be a *great* wrestler, and that's all well and good. But he also learned how to be a lying, cheating, dirty no-good scoundrel. I was like that not too long ago, Matt..in fact, not less than a month ago I thought the same way as him.
(Southward turns toward the camera.)
SOUTHWARD: But you see, Ryan, there comes a time in a man's life where you have to grow up, take a look at yourself, and do things the right way. You have to do business the right way. I've reached that point. You haven't.So, since I'm the one that gave you a lot of pointers and a lot of help on being a wrestler, it's high time I gave you some pointers and tips on being a man.
HAMMER: Aren't you worried a bit that Stevens might know your own strengths and weaknesses, and how you wrestle? After all, you did train him.
(As Hammer was speaking, Southward turned his head toward him and smiled.After this, Southward removes his sunglasses.)
SOUTHWARD: That's a good question, but much like Blackheart used an old saying, I'll use one as well. I might've taught Stevens everything he knows, but I sure didn't teach him everything *I* know. This dog's still got an old trick or two up his sleeve, and when the time comes, Stevens and Blackheart will both find out what it is.
(Southward now focuses on the camera, pointing his sunglasses toward the camera as he speaks.)
SOUTHWARD: You see, we all have one goal, one focus, one purpose, and that's to become the SEWF World heavyweight champion. But the thing about this, boys, is that this isn't a team title. ONly one person out of us can be the champion. And I'm not really in the mood to have it be either of you. Blackheart, Stevens, I won't be *fortunate* enough to win the title. I'll win the title because, quite frankly, I know that I'm the best wrestler out there. And now, in front of the world, I'll prove that. And why? Because Simon says.
(Southward puts his sunglasses back on and walks past Hammer, out toward the ring.)
HAMMER: Back to you at ringside.
RV: From San Antonio, Texas, this man brings a simple moto and a simple creed of Simon Says into the ring here tonight. Simon Says he weighs in at 217 lbs and he SIMON SOUUUUUUUTHWARD!!!
(As the crowd cheers, "Simon Says" by Drain STH begins to play. Simon Southward, clad in his customary shiny black and yellow pleather pants and black boots, strolls out to the entranceway, surveying the arena before him. Southward walks down the aisle quickly, highfiving a few random fans as he gets to the ring. Southward slides in, then pushes himself back into the corner, waiting for his opponent, then pulling himself up by the top rope.)
RV: Having made a big splash with an interview on the gala, this man looks to continue his attention grabbing ways here tonight. Hailing from Miami, Florida, here is BLAAAAAACKHEART!!!!
(Blackheart comes out to the ring with head won. He turns his back as explosions go off on the entryway. He flips around and trots to the ring where he slides in and awaits his last opponent.)
RV: This Baltimore, Maryland native is no stranger to one of his opponents, and looks to use that to his advantage here tonight. Looking to advance in the world title tourney, here is RYAN STEEEEEEEVENS!!!!
(Stevens walks slowly out of the entryway as "Testify" by Rage Against the Machine begins to play. He stalks slowly to the ring with eyes intent on the people in the ring. He finally reaches the steps and walks up and into the ring.)
SSC: You know, everyone expects all three of these men to make a huge splash in the SEWF, as neither of them have been familiar to the fans here. Tonight should be a good test of their skills.
SSC: And Blackheart wasting no time tearing into Ryan Stevens.
(Blackheart with a series of punches to Stevens. Meanwhile, Southward's just looking on. This could be the smartest thing Southward can do. Blackheart off the ropes, Stevens ducks a clothesline. Blackheart
back off the ropes, and Stevens catches him with a picture-perfect dropkick. Blackheart's back up. He's mad now. A flurry of fists by Blackheart. Clothesline sends Stevens to the outside.)
SSC: It's good to see some intensity out of Blackheart. He's looking good so far.
MC: Like I said, he's got that little extra something.
(Blackheart to the apron. Up on the second rope. Asai Moonsault to Stevens on the floor! And Blackheart wasting no time, whipping Stevens into the railing! Southward still looking on, and Blackheart's looking under the ring for something. He's got a pipe.)
SSC: Why the hell do we have pipes under the ring???
(He brings it down across the head of Stevens! And again!)
(Blackheart landed right on the railing! Southward now, kicking at Blackheart, and Stevens is getting back up. They're both kicking him down. Stevens ramming Blackheart against the apron, rolling him back
into the ring. Blackheart's in a bad position. He wanted both of them to team against him, and it looks like he's getting it. Stereo dropkicks by Southward and Stevens!)
SSC: These two men have run the roads together, they've trained together... they know each other.
MC: Blackheart is still the man, those cowards need to gang up to get him down.
(Pulling Blackheart back up now. Double DDT! Followed up with a double legdrop! Southward holding Blackheart down. And now Stevens laying into Blackheart with the stomps! Stevens pulling him up. Southward's going to the top now. Stevens with a waistlock behind Blackheart. Southward from the top. Top Rope Spinning Heel Kick into a Stevens German Suplex! Stevens holds on. Roll over. Another German suplex! Holding on again! Roll over! A third German, this time releasing Blackheart!)
SSC: STEVENS TURNING IT ON!!! COVER!! One....Two...Broken up by Stevens!
(Stevens and Southward now, fighting it out. Southward with an IrishWhip to the buckles! Southward follows it up with a leg lariat, and lands on his feet to the floor! And Southward trips the still-standing Stevens! Brilliant move by Southward!)
SSC: A little ring psycology, I like this.
(Southward back into the ring now, Stevens is up. A series of side kicks by Southward. Jumping side kick sends Stevens reeling! Southward backing up, with Stevens against the buckles. Southward coming at him! SUPERKICK! NO! Stevens ducked at the last second! Southward's got his leg straddled against the turnbuckle!)
SSC: OH! Stevens clipped that leg from under Southward, and Southward just hit the back of his head on the mat!
MC: That's my boy, Blackheart, smart enough to get out of the ring for a breather.
(Stevens... Stevens is stomping on Southward's head! Pulling him back up. Hangman's neckbreaker by Stevens!: Stevens wasting no time, pulling Southward back up. DDT on Southward! Stevens working the neck, while Blackheart's still on the outside. Hooking him up now, Stevens has Southward. Overhead Belly-to-Belly suplex! Southward, again landing on his neck!)
SSC: How long can the pain threshold on that neck hold out?
(It looks like Stevens is going to try and put this one away. Pulling Southward back to his feet. Suplex coming up, this could be The Eclipse---no... Southward stops him! Reversal! Suplex on Stevens! Southward's not out of this one yet. Wait! Neither is Blackheart! He's got a chair and he's coming into the ring!)
MC: Here he comes......
SSC: Blackheart's got a reputation for being hardcore, he's got that chair now, and he's in the ring. Southward sees him! Superkick into the chair!
(Southward just kicked that chair into the head of Blackheart! Blackheart to the outside! Stevens is back up, he's coming up behind Southward. Southward turns around and sees him! Savate kick to the stomach by Southward! FLOATOVER DDT! Blackheart's getting back up, he's climbing up the turnbuckles from
the outside! Southward sees him, and meets him at the turnbuckles!)
SSC: This is dangerous....
(Southward clips the leg, and Blackhearts' been crotched on the top turnbuckle! Simon Southward now... mounting the top rope. He's got Blackheart by the head. ECHOSIDE FROM THE TOP!)
SSC: That took alot out of Southward! Crawling over for the cover! One....Two.....Thr..NO! Stevens managed to break it up at the last second!
(Both Stevens and Southward back to their feet! Trading punches! Reverse Spin kick to the stomach by Southward! SIMONPLEX!)
SSC: Southward hit the SimonPlex! That was a desperation move on the part of Simon Southward! The ref's down to count! ONE.....TWO......THREE!!!!! SOUTHWARD TAKES THIS MATCH!!!
MC: Damn.
SSC: I like what happened there. I think Simon took the win but there was definitely a lot of talent in that ring here tonight. They will not be taking too many losses in the near SEWF future.
MC: Blackheart is going to rape this federation, nuff' said.
SSC: Brevity, that's new. In our final match of the night, we're going to take a look at Burt Clifton, The Black Rook and Kujo, all have been very active this week. It seems everytime we turn on the tv, all three of them are there. I'm excited to see how this one turns out.
MC: I love this Black Rook guy. I mean he's so profound and dark and mysterious and he's just my kind of guy.
SSC: Yeah, you're oh so mysterious Magnus. I think Clifton may be lost in this match, but I've heard things about this guy, a real genius in the ring even if he isn't so bold outside of it.
MC: Colby is like the lamb for slaughter here. That dumb little guy is gonna get the hell beat out of him here tonight. This arena is about to witness a slaying.
SSC: With no further ado, the feature bout of the night, let's go down to the ring one last time.
RV: First out in this match is a man who made quite a noise for himself late in the week. He is a veteran of many feds and looks to continue his success here tonight. Here he is, KUUUUUUUUJOOOOOO!!!
(The lights dim down, and thunder is softly heard throughout the arena. Then, as the crowd hushes in anticipation, the song ,"Bawitdaba" by Kid Rock starts playing. When the song gets to the actual song, the lights come up and the crowd gets loud. As a moderate pyro pop goes off, Kujo walks down towards the ring, staring intently at the ring before him.)
RV: Second out will be a man who has probed some of the deeper levels of thought this week. He is a minister of fear and hopes to bring a little of that to the ring with him tonight. He hails from Atlanta, Georgia, he is HARBENNETH "THE BLACK ROOK" ROOOOOOOOOOOKENS!!!!
(The lights suddenly cut out. The crowd falls silent for a moment as "Freak On A Leash" by Korn hits. They suddenly erupt into boos as Harbenneth Rookens, black jeans, shirt, boots, trench coat, sunglasses
and hair donned walks into the ring.)
SSC: The Black Rook, one of the unknowns here in the SEWF, pitted against Kujo and Burt Clifton here. With this whole uneducation about him, his wrestling style, etc., he has to have some sort of advantage.
MC: A pyschological advantage that he told everyone he'd have all along!
(The enigma known as the Rook walks down to the ring, taking off his trench coat and sunglasses as he walks. His jet black hair spills down around his face as he walks in the ring, raising his arms and bringing
them down quickly, sparking not only the lights to come on but an huge blast of pyro as well.)
RV: Last out in this match is one of the more unsure members of this federation. He looks to impress the world with his debut match here in the SEWF. He hails from Racine, Wisconsin. He is BURT CLIIIIIIIIIIIFTON!!!!
("Blue Monday" by New Order hits the loudspeakers as Clifton emerges from the entryway. He looks a little nervous and is quite cautious in his steps to the ring. He looks cautiously at the fans along the aisleway and rolls into the ring. He is met by a big boot from Rookens and this match is underway.)
SSC: We'll see if all the hype surrounding the in ring skills of Clifton and the unpredictability of Rookens come into play here tonight.
MC: Don't count out my man, Kujo. He's going to make Clifton wish he was back home in his mommy's basement.
(Rookens continues the assault on the fallen Clifton as Kujo gets into the action with a tap to the shoulder of Rookens. Rookens turns to receive a kick to the gut and a European uppercut to the face. Rookens stumbles backwards and Clifton is almost crunched under the big man. Burt scrambles out of the way and Kujo catches the bustling Clifton with a boot to the side of the head. Kujo pulls Clifton to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Clifton comes back and gets grabbed in a belly to belly. Kujo yells and hoists Clifton up and over in a nasty belly to belly suplex.)
SSC: Kujo with an early cover...one...Rookens kicks Kujo to make the save. Smart move by Kujo to go after the early pin.
(Rookens pulls Kujo to his feet and whips him into the corner. Rookens stalks down Kujo in the corner and begins to simply pummel Kujo with lefts and rights. Kujo is beaten gradually lower in the corner where finally Rookens puts a huge foot across the windpipe of Kujo. The ref counts four and Rookens releases the choke.)
SSC: Rookens is certainly not pulling any punches here tonight.
MC: That's the way this game has to be played. Choke him or he'll choke you, it's quite simple.
(Clifton gets back into the action with a flying cross chop of sorts to the back of Rookens. Rookens stumbles into the corner and Clifton pulls him back out. He sets him up to whip him in...no, smacks him with a short armed clothesline, but the big man will not go down. Clifton does it again and gets Rookens to one knee. Kujo comes out of the corner and plasters Clifton with a running lariat before he can try a third time. Kujo turns his attention to Rookens and cracks him in the side of the head with a stiff kick.)
SSC: The people in the cheap seats heard that one folks. Cover by Kujo....one....kick out by Rookens.
(Clifton is up and Rookens is still dazed from the kick to the head. Kujo lines up to kick Rookens in the head again but Rookens ducks and Kujo spins right into a clothesline from Clifton. Clifton picks up Kujo and whips him into the turnbuckle. Kujo comes back and Clifton hoists him up on his shoulders and drops him in a huge Spicolli driver!!)
SSC: Great move by Clifton.....Cover.....one.....two....Rookens with the save.
MC: That a boy, get after it Black Rook.
(Rookens picks up Clifton off of Kujo and whips him into the ropes, giving him a foot to the face on the way back that sends Clifton straight down to the mat.)
SSC: Rookens with the cover....one.....two....Clifton rolls the shoulder. A lot of early pin attempts in this match, these guys want to win this match desperately.
MC: Why even try. Big nasty Rookens is gonna take this, Clifton should just leave the ring before he gets hurt. Makes me almost feel bad for the guy...almost.
(Rookens grabs a hold of Kujo and sends him flying over the top rope.)
SSC: It seems Rookens wants only to deal with Clifton at this point, interesting.
(Rookens whips Clifton into the turnbuckle but Clifton ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a clothesline of his own. Rookens down on the mat and Clifton goes up to the top turnbuckle. He attempts a frog splash that connects...with nothing. Rookens rolled out of the way and is up now. He picks Clifton up off the mat by his hair and puts his head between his legs.)
SSC: This could be it!! Rookens is setting up for the All-Encompassment!!!
(Rookens elevates Clifton up into crucifix position but Kujo is in the ring and drop kicks Rookens in the gut!! Rookens drops Clifton and stumbles backwards and Kujo charges but Rookens picks him up and drops him throat first across the top rope. Kujo stumbles backwards and Rookens walks out to give him a sharp forearm smash. He turns to Clifton who slaps him in position for the Uranage (aka rock bottom)!!!! Clifton elevates the big man and drop his down with the tremendous move!!)
SSC: TREMENDOUS MOVE!!! COVER!!! One.....two.....thr...NO!!! Rookens rolled the shoulder!
(Clifton puts the boots to Rookens, but Kujo turns him around and kicks him in the gut. He hitches him in vertical suplex position. He elevates Clifton and drops him down a big brainbuster!!)
SSC: Kujo with another cover!! One...two....NO!!! Clifton out in time!!
(Kujo picks up Clifton and the two exchange punches!! Kujo connects with a big left hand and follows it up with a big knee to the stomach of Clifton. Kujo hits the opposite ropes and sends Clifton to the mat with a big knee lift. Kujo rolls Clifton out of the ring and on to the floor. Kujo turns to Rookens and gives him a couple European uppercuts. Kujo whips the big man into the ropes and back body drops the man!! What power!!)
(Kujo keeps on the attack as we see Clifton roll slowly back into the ring. Kujo picks up Rookens by the hair and immediately plants a fist in his skull. Clifton back to his feet now, but Kujo doesn't see him. Kujo wailing away on Rookens but Clifton hits the near ropes and drop kicks Kujo in the back of the head! Kujo stumbles forward and Rookens lays him out with a foot to the face.)
SSC: Kujo walked into a trainwreck there.
MC: Rookens is about to put this joker away.....
(Rookens now focused on Clifton, who fires a right at Rookens. Rookens blocks and administers a headbutt to the skull of Clifton. Clifton reels backwards and Rookens whips him into the ropes. Reversal by Clifton send Rookens in, Rookens ducks a clothesline by Clifton and comes back with a flying forearm smash that catches Clifton right in the mush.)
SSC: Souvenir right side, Clifton's front tooth.
MC: Fan could probably sell that on eBay for..NOTHING. Clifton is a NOBODY. Rookens is about to put that guy out of his misery.
(Clifton down and writhing in pain. Rookens turns to Kujo and picks him up. Kujo gets whipped into the corner where Rookens follows close behind with a splash. Rookens runs back to the opposite turnbuckle and runs in again, but this time Kujo gets the foot up to the mouth of Rookens.)
SSC: This match has been full of train wrecks...
(Rookens stumbles backwards and Kujo gets up on the second turnbuckle where he comes down with a double axe handle to the skull of Rookens. Rookens blocks it and kicks Kujo in the gut. Rookens elevates Kujo and plants him with a huge piledriver!!!)
SSC: Great move from the big man.....Cover....one....two....Clifton is able to barely break that one up.
(Rookens is angry that Clifton was able to break it up and turns to him. Kujo thinks otherwise and kicks Rookens in the side. Rookens spins around and Kujo whips him into the ropes. The two connect in a massive double clothesline!!!)
(Clifton looks and sees both men on the ground and goes up top with back to the ring. He looks out at the crowd and leaps off in a tower moonsault on to the fallen Kujo!!!)
(Clifton back up to his feet and pulls both Kujo and Rookens to their feet. He kicks Kujo in the gut and leaves him hunched over. He takes a look at Rookens, hits the opposite ropes and plants a huge kick to the bast of Rookens' skull!! The big man goes down!!)
(Kujo runs at Clifton who again kicks Kujo in the gut. Kujo fires a left at Clifton which is blocked and countered with a punch by Clifton. Kujo tries again, another block, another left by Clifton. Clifton follows up with two more rights and Kujo charges. Clifton clotheslines him down to the mat. He quickly picks Kujo back up and puts him in full nelson position!!)
SSC: The scouting report is right....this could be the end for Kujo....
(Clifton elevates Kujo up and over his head with a big Dragon Suplex!!!!!!)
MC: But here comes the big man and he's pissed...
(Clifton back up to his feet but Rookens comes after him with a huge foot to the face of Clifton. Clifton goes down in a heep and Rookens picks him right back up. He puts Clifton's head between his legs, elevates him and.....)
MC: Damn right, stupid Clifton. Rookens gave him what he deserved.
(Rookens takes another look at his fallen prey and steps out of the ring and walks to the back.)
SSC: So, Rookens ends his night with a nasty cheap shot on Clifton, that was low.
MC: Low, but necessary. It's quite evident this guy Rookens came to play.
SSC: That Rookens is gonna be something else in this federation, but it looks like the scouting reports on Clifton were right. That guy sure knows how to fight once he gets inside the squared circle. He'll take home the win, but Rookens certainly left with a piece of Clifton tonight.
MC: Clifton had nothing more than beginner's luck. He's gonna get hammered in the next round of this tourney, mark my words.
SSC: Normally that would end our night, but our esteemed president, Dave Shaw, has set aside a little time here tonight, but I'm not really sure what for. He's coming to the ring apparently.
("Dangerous" by Busta Rhymes begins to play and the president comes walking out of the entryway. He slaps a few hands and takes a smile to the great crowd that has turned out for this innagural card. He walks up the ring steps and is in the middle of the ring with a mic. He begins to speak....)
Dave Shaw: First of all, let me say a big thank you for coming out to support us here tonight for the first round of this tournament.
(Crowd pop, they like the SEWF, what can I say)
DS: Well, I come out here to address that very tournament. First of all, we've got some great matchups for next week, so be sure to come back and see that round of the tournament. But, there is a guy running around, and we all saw him in the back tonight, who has staked claim to the belt up for grabs during this very tourney. His name is Ray Hagan and I'd like him to come out to the ring right now.
("What A Girl Wants" begins to play and Ray Hagan begins strutting out of the entryway sideways with the original SEWF belt still on his shoulder. He has a mic as well, and he begins to speak...)
Ray Hagan: So, Mr. Da--
DS: I'm sorry, but now is not your time to speak. You see, it's simply not good business sense for me to have you walking around in the back, getting smacked with chairs...
(Crowd pop that Hagan got smacked around earlier tonight.)
DS: We need to get you doing something productive. So, that's why next week here on the Mothership, you will be involved in a match. Unfortunately, Jay Lange has better things to do than beat you up, so he will not be your opponent.
Ray Hagan: So, if I may Mr. Bookerman, who will my opponent be?
DS: Well, Ray....
(Behind Ray a man emerges from the entryway. He's got a gold belt in hand and plasters Hagan in the back of the head with it!!!)
DS: That's your opponent. Ladies and gentlemen, meet "Risque" Rick Wallace. Thanks for doing that, someone needed to shut him up.
(Wallace grabs the mic from the fallen Hagan.)
Rick Wallace: Not a problem....
DS: Rick, that belt you hold there and the belt laying by Hagan's head equals simply too much of my gold floating around, so here's what we're going to do. Next week, Mothership, Ray Hagan vs. Rick Wallace to unify the original SEWF and SEWFG2 belts. Sound good?
RW: Hell yeah.
DS: Then be there. And you all be there as well. (points to crowd.) Oh, and the winner of that match will get to face the winner of the tourney to unify the new SEWF belt as well. There is a lot at stake here boys. Until then, I'll throw it back up to Steve.
(Camera cut to Steve and Magnus at the broadcast position once more.)
SSC: You heard it here first, Ray Hagan vs. Rick Wallace to unify the belts. This is going to be one hell of a Mothership next week. For Matt Hammer, Dave Shaw and Magnus Colby, I'm Stylin' Steve Chen saying goodnight.